3:30 pm
Maria Goeppert-Mayer Lecture Hall
Kersten Physics Teaching Center
Room 106
5720 S. Ellis Avenue
Holographic Quantum Matter and Entanglement Negativity
Shinsei Ryu, University of Chicago
Host: Young-Kee Kim
Quantum entanglement has been proven to be a key concept in condensed matter physics. It provides conceptual foundations to develop deep understanding of many-body quantum systems, and uncovers many novel phenomena in condensed matter physics. In this talk, I will discuss the entanglement negativity, a measure of quantum entanglement valid for mixed quantum states, in the context of holographic systems -- these are quantum many-body systems which admit their descriptions in terms of gravitational theory in one higher dimensions. We in particular discuss a holographic object which is dual to the entanglement negativity in holographic quantum matter.