Physics Colloquium

3:30–4:30 pm Maria Goeppert-Mayer Lecture Hall

Exploring Turbulence: A Personal Journey through Critical Behavior, Anomalous Scaling, and Data-Driven Approaches

Luca Biferale, University of Rome, Tor Vergata

I will offer a personal synthesis of the historical and contemporary advancements in our understanding of turbulence. Emphasis will be placed on the intriguing concept of critical behavior and transitions within turbulent systems, where we explore the impacts of dimensionality, symmetries, and external control parameters like rotation rate, mean magnetic fields, and stratification. Furthermore, I will discuss the aspirations and disappointments related to predicting anomalous scaling laws and dissipative effects in Eulerian fields and the spontaneous stochasticity that arises when tracking the advection of transported Lagrangian passive particles within turbulent flows. Finally, I will present my personal perspective on the potential of data-driven tools in tackling turbulent challenges.

Event Type

Colloquia and Lectures

Nov 16