Dam T. Son

University Professor
Dept. of Physics, Enrico Fermi Institute, James Franck Institute, Kadanoff Center for Theoretical Physics, and the College

Dam T. Son
MCP 465


I have a broad research program encompassing several areas of theoretical physics.​

  • String Theory: applications of gauge-gravity duality in the physics of the quark-gluon plasma and other strongly interacting systems.
  • Nuclear Physics: properties of the hot and dense states of matter, e.g., the quark gluon plasma and dense quark matter (color superconductors).
  • Condensed matter physics: physics of the quantum Hall system, graphene; applications of quantum field theory.
  • Atomic physics: many-body physics of cold trapped atoms, BCS-BEC crossover, applications of quantum field theoretical techniques.

Selected Publications

  • R. Baier, A.H. Mueller, D. Schiff, and D.T. Son, "Bottom-up" thermalization in heavy ion collisions, Phys. Lett. B 502, 51 (2001).
  • P. Kovtun, D.T. Son, and A.O. Starinets, Viscosity in Strongly Interacting Quantum Field Theories from Black Hole Physics, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 111601 (2005).
  • Y. Nishida and D.T. Son, Epsilon Expansion for a Fermi Gas at Infinite Scattering Length, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 050403 (2006).
  • C. Hoyos and D.T. Son, Hall Viscosity and Electromagnetic Response, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 066805 (2012).
  • Papers from arXiv.org

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