CASE Senior Scientist
Argonne Distinguished Fellow, Argonne National Laboratory

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- MCP 149
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- 773 834 7358
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- 630 252 4647
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Kwang-Je Kim was trained as an elementaryparticle theorist, but switched to accelerator physics in 1978, when he joined LBNL, serving as the Deputy Director of Center for Beam Physics. He moved to ANL in 1998, where he founded the Argonne Accelerator Institute. Currently, he is an Argonne Distinguished FellowandaProfessor of Physics at the University of Chicago. He performed groundbreaking research in synchrotron radiation and free-electron lasers, both in high-gain amplifier and low-gain oscillator.He published >300 papers and a book Synchrotron Radiation and Free Electron Lasers(Cambridge University Press, 2017) in collaboration with two other authors. He became an APS Fellow in 1995, received the International FEL Award in 1997, the USPAS Award in 2013, and the Robert Wilson Prize in 2014.
Selected Publications
- K.-J. Kim, A Synchrotron Radiation Source with Arbitrarily Adjustable Elliptical Polarization, Nucl. Instr. Meth., 219, 425 (1984)
- K.-J. Kim, Three-Dimensional Analysis of Coherent Amplification and Self-Amplified Spontaneous Emission in Free Electron Lasers, Phys. Rev. Lett., 57, 1871 (1986)
- K.-J. Kim, Characteristics of Synchrotron Radiation, Proceedings of USPAS summer School 1987; AIP Conf Proc. 184, 565 (1989)
- K.-J. Kim, RF and Space Charge Effects in Laser-Driven RF Electron Guns, Nucl. Instrum. Methods, A275, 201 (1989)
- Robert W Schoenlein, WP Leemans, AH Chin, P Volfbeyn, TE Glover, P Balling, M Zolotorev, K-J Kim, S Chattopadhyay, CV Shank, Femto-second X-ray Pulses at 0.4 A generated by 90 degree Thomson scattering: a tool for probing the structural dynamics of materials, Science274, 236 (1996)
- Z. Huang and K.-J. Kim, "Formulas for Coherent Synchrotron Radiation Microbunching in a Bunch Compressor Chicane," PRST-AB, 5, 074401 (2002)
- P. Emma, Z. Huang, and K.-J. Kim, and Ph. Piot, Transverse–to-longitudinal emittance exchange to improve performance of high-gain free electron lasers, Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 9, 100702 (2006)
- V. Kumar and K.-J. Kim, An Analysis of Smith-Purcell Free-Electron Lasers,Physical Review E 73, 026501 (2006)
- Z. Huang and K.-J. Kim, “A review of free electron laser theory,” Phys. Rev. Special Topics-Acc. And Beams,” 10, 034801 (2007)
- K.-J. Kim, S. Reiche, and Y. Shvydko, A proposal for anX-Ray Free Electron Laser Oscillator using Energy Recovery Linac Beams,Phys. Rev. Letters, 100, 244802 (2008)