The University of Chicago strives to be a place where "...students learn not what to think, but how. In an atmosphere of free and open inquiry..." and the Department of Physics fully embraces that philosophy. Beyond just attending courses, the majority of our undergraduate majors and all of our graduate students engage in this inquiry at the highest levels available in the academic world.
If you are a student, you'll find this to be a great place to study and grow as a physicist. To quote one recent prospective after an extended visit, "...If I ever have a chance to study at the University of Chicago, whether through freshman year application, transferring from another college, or in graduate school, I will take that chance. The academic atmosphere between students and professors and the spirit for pursuing knowledge were so attractive to me."
In this section of the website you'll be guided to detailed information about our graduate and undergraduate programs. This information includes resources to support your academic coursework as well as for tapping into research opportunities in physics and related fields. Just click on one of the links on the left side of this page and begin your exploration.