UChicago-Specific Opportunities
UChicago REU
UChicago MRSEC
Heising-Simons Summer Program
--Female-identifying physics students
Selove Prize
--The award provides a summer stipend exactly or approximately equal to the REU stipend. The number of awards will be determined by the availability of funds. Applications will be solicited around mid-April.
Partial Faculty List
--It can be intimidating to identify a research mentor/group you want to work with/in! The Society of Women in Physics (SWiP) sent out a brief faculty survey to departments in the physical sciences and compiled a partial list of faculty interested in talking to undergraduates about joining their labs, to be updated biannually. For tips on how to contact these professors, see this document.
Student Research Directory
--Interested in research but too scared to cold-email professors? The students listed in the above directory are actively involved in research at UChicago, and are: 1) looking to pass down projects; 2) have openings in their lab; and/or 3) happy to talk to you about what they're working on if you're interested in the topic!
Academic Research Opportunities Outside of UChicago
This spreadsheet lists and describes non-UChicago academic research summer internships and conferences/grants. Internship deadlines, subject areas, eligibility information (including whether they are open to international students), and locations are given. The contact information of previous participants in the specified programs is also provided.
Private Sector Opportunities
This spreadsheet lists and describes summer internships in the private sector (industry positions), and networking opportunities/grants. Application deadlines, position names, locations, and eligibility information are given.
Note: UChicago Wisr is also a good place to ask UChicago alumni about industry/academia and look for internship opportunities.
The two spreadsheets above were compiled by the UChicago Society of Women in Physics (SWiP). Note that these are only partial listings of available opportunities, and any contributions would be much appreciated!
For more information, please contact Cici Hanna