Our faculty, students, and staff are actively engage in many outreach efforts within physics and to the broader community. Many of the links on this page will take you to additional avenues to both sample some of the outreach activities in which we participate and to find outreach opportunities of your own.
- The Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) is engage in science and community-based outreach from the K-12 level all way to postdoctoral opportunities. Please visit their Education and Outreach page to find out more.
- Through the Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics (KICP) many of our faculty and students service others from the very popular kids program called Space Explorers to professional development for museum and planetarium staff. Visit the KICP Education & Outreach page to learn more.
- Our high-energy physics group, headed by Professors David Miller and David Schmitz, runs the very sucessful Fermi Summer Interns Program in Science for rising 7th grade students in Hyde Park. Check out some details at the HEP or EFI outreach pages.
- The Compton Lecture Series sponsored by the Enrico Fermi Institute is a highlight of the fall and spring for both the wider university community and local Hyde Park residents.
- Professor Chin Cheng's ultracold atomic and molecular physics group hosts the long-standing Enhanced Science, Mathematics, and Research Training (e.SMART) program for high-school students. You can see some of the cool things they do at his e.SMART2018 page.
- Physics with a Bang has become a much beloved highlight of the holiday season. Sponsored by MRSEC and the Department of Physics, Professors Nagel and Jeager put on a very entertaining display of what physics can do for the local community combined with an open house so community members and children can see the inside of a fore-front research laboratory.
- Our close colleagues in the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics hosts the Brinson Lectures in which eminent scientists discuss their research and research fields for a broad audience.
- Our faculty and students also take full advantage of the Broader Impacts Fair that is run by the Physical Sciences Division. At this event outreach opportunities of many varieties are just waiting for our able volunteers to participate.
- Physics classes taught by Yau Wah through the Collegiate Scholars Program (CSP) encourage high achieving but underrepresented CPS students throughout their three-year term with CSP.
In addition to the above local outreach, we are also quite engaged with outreach in international and multi-national arenas. If you would still like more information about outreach opportunities beyone physics and the physical sciences, please visit the website of the Office of Civic Engagement. The department's committee of Education, Outreach, & Engagement consists of Professors Young-Kee Kim (Louis Block Distinguished Service Professor), and Sidney Nagel (Stein-Freiler Distinguished Service Professor).