Colloquia Archive

Spring Quarter 2019

Thursday, 4/04/2019 | 3:30 PM
Staring at the Universe from a cold, dark and quiet cavern in Italy
Luca Grandi, University of Chicago

Thursday, 4/11/2019 | 3:30 PM
Experimental Measurement of the Hawking emission (?)
William Unruh, University of British Columbia
Host: Cheng Chin, Robert Wald

Thursday, 4/18/19 | 3:30 PM
How Schrödinger’s Cat Became a Cat
Rob Phillips, California Institute of Technology

Thursday, 4/25/2019 | 3:30 PM
Mastering Bright Electron Beams
Ritchie Patterson, Cornell University
Host: Young-Kee Kim

Thursday, 5/02/2019 | 3:30 PM
Next Generation Nuclear Experiments: Toward 3D Imaging of Nuclei
Kawtar Hafidi, Argonne National Laboratory
Host: Young-Kee Kim

Thursday, 5/09/2019 | 3:30 PM
Bending space and time: New ideas from an emerging science of cities
Luis Bettencourt, University of Chicago
Host: Dam T. Son

Thursday, 5/23/2019 | 3:30 PM
Gender Equity , Power Structures, and Implicit Bias in Stem
Elizabeth Simmons, University of California San Diego

Thursday, 5/30/2019 | 3:30 PM
Universality and individuality in neural dynamics across large populations of recurrent networks
David Sussillo, Google
Host: Stephanie Palmer

Thursday, 6/06/2019 | 3:30 PM
Zachariasen Lecture
David Saltzberg, University of California Los Angeles
Host: Young-Kee Kim

Winter Quarter 2019

Thursday, January 10, 2019, 3:30pm
Testing DAMA's Long-standing Claim for Dark Matter Detection
Reina Maruyama, Yale University
Host: Juan Collar

Thursday, January 24, 2019, 3:30pm
Magic Angle Graphene: a New Platform for Strongly Correlated Physics
Pablo Jarillo-Herrero, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Host: David Schuster

Thursday, January 31, 2019, 3:30pm
Empathy: The good, the bad, and the ugly
Peggy Mason, University of Chicago
Host: Sidney Nagel

Thursday, February 7, 2019, 3:30pm
Signatures of Dispersing 1D Majorana Channels in an Iron-based Superconductor
Vidya Madhavan, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign
Host: Kathy Levin

Thursday, February 14, 2019, 3:30pm
Sloppy models, differential geometry, and the space of model predictions
Jim Sethna, Cornell University
Host: Stephanie Palmer

Thursday, February 21, 2019, 3:30pm
Heretical hypotheses in the hunt for dark matter
Marc Kamionkowski, Johns Hopkins University
Host: Michael Turner

Thursday, February 28, 2019, 3:30pm
Insect Flight: from Newton’s law to Neurons
Jane Wang, Cornell University
Host: Arvind Murugan

Thursday, March 7, 2019, 3:30pm
High Energy Density Physics and Modeling of Extreme States of Matter
Frank Graziani, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Host: Petros Tzeferacos

Autumn Quarter 2018

Thursday, October 4, 2018, 4pm
Neutrino Physics at Long and Short Baselines: The DUNE and SBN Experiments at Fermilab
David Schimitz, University of Chicago
Host: Ed Blucher

Thursday, October 11, 2018, 4pm
Physics is for Everyone
Stephan Meyer
Host: Young-Kee Kim

Thursday, October 18, 2018, 4pm
Exploring Flatland with cold atoms

Jean Dalibard, Collège de France
Host:Cheng Chin

Thursday, October 25, 2018, 4pm
Spinning Top-ology
William Irvine, University of Chicago

Thursday, November 1, 2018, 4pm
Exploring the high-energy sky with neutrinos and gamma rays
Marcos Santander, The University of Alabama
Host: Scott Wakely

Thursday, November 8, 2018, 4pm
Science, Engineering and Art as well –why it is hard to teach science well
Helen Quinn, SLAC
Host: Young-Kee Kim

Thursday, November 15, 2018, 4pm
Measuring gravity at short distances and other fun tricks with levitated microspheres
Giorgio Gratta, Stanford University
Host: Luca Grandi

Thursday, December 6, 2018, 4pm
Discovering the Highest Energy Astrophysical Neutrinos Using a Radio Phased Array
Abigail Vieregg, University of Chicago
Host: Young-Kee Kim

Spring Quarter 2018

Thursday, March 29, 2018, 4pm
Scaling up Quantum Computers
Fred Chong, The University of Chicago
Host: Young-Kee Kim

Thursday, April 5, 2018, 4pm
The quest to observe the Turbulent Cascade in real time
Michael Brenner, Harvard University
Host: Young-Kee Kim

Thursday, April 12, 2018, 4pm
Seeking Clues to Explain the Diverse Architectures of Exoplanetary Systems
Heather Knutson, California Institute of Technology
Host: Cheng Chin

Thursday, April 19, 2018, 4pm
Rama Ranganathan, The University of Chicago
Host: Arvind Murugan

Thursday, April 26, 2018, 4pm
Strongly Interacting Fermi Gases under the Microscope
Martin Zwierlein, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Host: Jonathan Simon

Thursday, May 3, 2018, 4pm
New frontiers in cryo-electron microscopy: From Probing Low Temperature Electronic Phases to Processes at Liquid/Solid Interfaces
Lena F. Kourkoutis, Cornell University
Host: David Schuster

Wednesday, May 9, 2018, 4:30pm
The Emergent Fundamental – Exotic Collective Phenomena in Correlated Materials
Suchitra Sebastian, The University of Cambridge
Host: Erez Berg

Thursday, May 10, 2018, 4pm
Probing Sub-GeV Dark Matter with Superfluid Helium
Daniel McKinsey, The University of California, Berkeley
Host: Luca Grandi

Thursday, May 17, 2018, 4pm
Catching and Reversing a Quantum Jump Mid-flight
Michel Devoret, Yale University
Host: David Schuster

Thursday, May 24, 2018, 4pm
Impurities in an ultracold Fermi sea: Quasiparticles, phase separation, and more
Rudolf Grimm, The University of Innsbruck
Host: Cheng Chin

Thursday, May 31, 2018, 4pm
Why is negative energy density bad, and how does quantum information constrain it
Thomas Faulkner, The University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Host: Dam Son

Friday, June 8, 2018, 2:30pm
Stephanie Palmer, The University of Chicago
Host: Young-Kee Kim

Winter Quarter 2018

Thursday, Janurary 4, 2018, 4pm
Exploring Matter Made of Light
Jon Simon, The University of Chicago
Host: Cheng Chin

Thursday, Janurary 11, 2018, 4pm
A Hundred Years of Modeling Solids
Marvin Cohen, The University of California Berkeley
Host: Young-Kee Kim

Thursday, Janurary 18, 2018, 4pm
Physics and Chemistry with Diatomic Molecules Near Absolute Zero
Tanya Zelevinsky, Columbia University
Host: Cheng Chin

Thursday, Feburary 1, 2018, 4pm
GW170817: Hearing and seeing a binary neutron star merger
Dan Holz, The University of Chicago
Host: Young-Kee Kim

Thursday, Feburary 8, 2018, 4pm
In Proximity to Novel Physics: Topological Insulators coupled to Superconductors
Nadya Mason, The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Host: David Schuster

Thursday, Feburary 15, 2018, 4pm
The Future of Small
Paul McEuen, Cornell University
Host: Jiwoon Park, Vincenzo Vitelli

Thursday, Feburary 22, 2018, 4pm
Mesoscopic Optics
Hui Cao, Yale University
Host: Linda Young

Thursday, March 1, 2018, 4pm
From LEGO to Active Fluids
Vincenzo Vitelli, The University of Chicago
Host: Young-Kee Kim

Thursday, March 8, 2018, 4pm
Future of Particle Physics: LHC and beyond
Liantao Wang, The University of Chicago
Host: Young-Kee Kim

Wednesday, March 21, 2018, 4pm
Computing in the Los Alamos Weapons Program
Bill Archer, Los Alamos Laboratory

Autumn Quarter 2017

Thursday, October 5, 2017, 4pm
Nuclear Physics: Then and Now
Barbara Jacak, UC Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab

Thursday, October 12, 2017, 4pm
Nuclear Energy (co-sponsored by the Enrico Fermi Institute)
Carlo Rubbia, Nobel Prize in Physics 1984

Thursday, October 19, 2017, 4pm
Dear Maria, Oh My, How Particle Physics has Changed
Melissa Franklin, Harvard University

Thursday, October 26, 2017, 4pm
The Fallout of Chicago Pile-1
Robert (Bo) Jacobs, Hiroshima Peace Institute and Hiroshima City University

Thursday, November 2, 2017, 4pm
"Atoms for Peace" in Medicine and Biology
Chin-Tu Chen, University of Chicago

Wednesday, November 8, 2017, 1:30pm
Projecting Risk into the Future: Failure of a Geologic Repository and the Sinking of the Titanic
Rodney Ewing, Stanford University

Thursday, November 16, 2017, 4pm
CP-1: The 'Big Bang' of Big Science
Eric Isaacs, University of Chicago

Thursday, November 30, 2017, 4pm
Enrico Fermi:  The Pope of Physics
Bettina Hoerlin and Gino Segrè

Spring Quarter 2017

March 30
New forms of matter with ultracold atoms: synthetic gauge fields and supersolidity
Wolfgang Ketterle

April 13
Intertwined Order in Highly Correlated Electron Fluids
Steven Kivelson

April 20
Quantum gas in a box
Zoran Hadzibabic

April 27
The Manhattan Project: A Look at the Physics
Cameron Reed

April 28
Black Holes, Thermodynamics, and Quantum Theory
Einstein Prize Lecture
Bob Wald

May 4
Physics of Sustainability
Peter Littlewood

May 11
Jamming in biological tissues
Lisa Manning

May 18
From the Higgs to dark matter: the search for the underlying code of our universe
Zachariasen Lecture
Joseph Incandela

May 25
Critical Metals: Lessons from quantum Monte Carlo studies
Erez Berg

June 1
Towards the identification of Earth-like worlds with MAROON-X
Jacob Bean

Winter Quarter 2017

January 12
Self Organization of chromosomes and the loop-extrusion model"
John Marko

January 19
Physics of Polygons and 2D Melting
Sharon Glotzer

January 26
Mapping New Physics with Cosmic Microwave Background
Jeff McMahon

February 2   
Topological insulators and superconductors -- from band theory to interacting system
Shinsei Ryu

February 9   
The Higgs portal onto the dark universe
Jessie Shelton

February 16   
Quantum Dynamics of Inflation
Cheng Chin

February 23
Observations of binary black hole mergers: the beginning of gravitational wave astronomy
Rainer Weiss

March 2
Time Reversal Symmetry Breaking in Unconventional Superconductors
Aharon Kapitulnik

March 9
Unraveling the Mysteries of the Universe with Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiments
Mayly Sanchez

Autumn Quarter 2016

September 29   
Seeing the unseeable: boosting discoveries at the LHC by imaging quarks and gluons with jets and jet substructure
David Miller

October 6      
Exploring the Extreme Universe with Gamma Rays
Elizabeth Hays

October 13   
Paper and Circuits, only Atoms Thick
Jiwoong Park

October 20   
Looking Back: A personal view
Hellmut Fritzche and panel discussion

October 27   
Understanding the Origin of Mass and Matter
Carlos Wagner

November 3   
Dark Energy Science with the Dark Energy Survey, and Beyond
Elisabeth Krause

November 10   
Modeling Elections
Daniel Diermeier

November 17    
The Matter – Anti-matter Asymmetry of the Universe: Why is there something, rather than nothing?
David Nygren

December 1      
Future of High Energy Physics
Nima Arkani-Hamed

Spring Quarter 2016

March 31
Symmetry, topology and electronic phases of matter
Charles Kane, University of Pennsylvania

April 7
John Madey, University of Hawaii, Manoa 

April 14
Michelle Dolinski, Drexel University

April 21
Anna Grassellino, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

April 28
Paul Sereno, University of Chicago

May 5
Jesse Thaler, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

May 12
Tadashi Tokeida, University of Cambridge

May 19
Paul Steinhardt, Princeton University

May 26

June 2
Physics Student Awards Physics Student Awards

Winter Quarter 2016

January 7
First results from the Fermilab Holometer testing space-time correlations at the Planck scale
Stephan Meyer, University of Chicago

January 14
Cold Atom Magic
Jason Ho, Ohio State University

January 21
Visualizing Spatially Ordered Phases in Complex Materials
Abhay Pasupathy, Columbia University, NY

January 28
Margaret Gardel, University of Chicago

February 4
Chris Monroe, University of Maryland

February 11

February 18
Subir Sachdev, Harvard University

February 25
Scott Wakely, University of Chicago

March 3
David Biron, University of Chicago

March 10

Autumn Quarter 2015

October 1
Michael Levin, University of Chicago

October 8
John Grunsfeld, University of Chicago

October 15

October 22

October 29

November 5
Wendy Freedman, University of Chicago

November 12
Ayana Arce, Duke University

November 19

November 26

December 3

Spring Quarter 2015

April 2
Self-Organization and Mechanics of Active Matter
Cristina Marchetti, Syracuse University

April 9
Geometry in Physics: Fractional Quantum Hall Effect- a Case Study
Paul Wiegmann, University of Chicago

April 10
Special Colloquium
William Irvine, University of Chicago

April 16
Linda Young, Argonne National Laboratory

April 23
Ayana Arce, Duke University

April 30
Mott-Hubbard Transition in Ruthenium Perovskites
John Goodenough, Zachariasen Lecture

May 7
Gabriel Orebi, University of California, Berkeley

May 14
Ana Maria Rey, University of Colorado, Boulder

May 21
Zheng-Tian Lu, University of Chicago

May 28
John Coster-Mullen

June 4
Laura Baudis, University of Zurich, Switzerland

Winter Quarter 2015

January 8
Bob Rosner, University of Chicago

January 15
Marcela Carena, University of Chicago

January 22
John Carlstrom, University of Chicago

January 29
Jamie Carpenter, James Carpenter Design Associates

February 5
Jamie Rosenzweig, UCLA

February 12
Jenny Hoffman, Harvard University

February 19
Vincenzo Vitelli, University of Leiden, Netherlands

February 26
Amie Wilkinson, University of Chicago

March 5
Sam Zeller, Fermilab

March 12
Andrea Liu, University of Pennsylvania

Autumn Quarter 2014

October 2
The proton and the future of particle physics 
Richard Hill, University of Chicago

October 9
The twist matrix: a handle to organize asymmetric colloids
Tom Witten, University of Chicago

October 16
The future of high-energy colliders
Fabiola Gianotti, CERN

October 23
David Gross, UCSB

October 30
Henriette Elvang, University of Michigan

November 6
John Carlstrom, University of Chicago

November 13
Heinrich Jaeger, University of Chicago

November 20
Margaret Murnane, University of Colorado, Boulder

December 4
Sue Coppersmith, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Spring Quarter 2014

April 3
Observation of Electron Neutrino Appearance from a Muon Neutrino Beam
Chang-Kee Jung, State University Of New York, Stony Brook

April 10
Unraveling knotted fields
William Irvine, University of Chicago

April 17
Dripping, jetting, drops and wetting: the magic of microfluidics
David Weitz, Harvard University

April 24
The Hubble Constant and Dark Energy from Supernovae, Cepheids and Parallax
Adam Riess, John Hopkins University

May 1
How Nambu's ideas led to The Guralnik, Hagen and Kibble prediction of the once Elusive Boson (Cancelled)
Gerald Guralnik, Brown University

May 8
Towards a final push in axion dark matter search in the 1-100 micro-eV mass range
Yannis Semertzidis, Korea Advanced Inst. of Science and Technology(KAIST)

May 15
Experimental measurement tradeoffs, from Heisenberg to Aharonov to quantum data compression
Aephriam Steinberg, University of Toronto

May 29
Controlling photons in a box and raising Schrodinger cats of light: when thought experiments become real
Serge Haroche, College de France

June 5
The Hottest, and Most Liquid, Liquid in the Universe
Krishna Rajagopal, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Winter Quarter 2014

January 9
Kurt Hinterbichler

January 16
David Awschalom

January 23
Slava G. Turyshev

January 30

February 6
Nai Phuam Ong

February 13
Steve Chu

February 20

February 27
Deborah Jin

March 13
Eugene Demler

Autumn Quarter 2013

October 3
Some thoughts about how to define quantum gravity in an accelerating universe
Savdeep Sethi/Jeff Harvey, University of Chicago

October 10
Listening to the Universe with gravitational wave astrophysics
Daniel Holz/Robert Wald, University of Chicago

October 17
Gestalt of Strongly Correlated Superconductivity
J.C. Seamus Davis/Michael Levin, Cornell University

October 24
Status and prospects for DM detection
Daniel Hooper/Steve Meyer, University of Chicago

October 31
Are We Descended From Heavy Neutrinos?
Boris Kayser/Henry Frisch, University of Chicago

November 7
Majorana Materializes
Jason Alicea/Michael Levin, California Institute of Technology(Caltech)

November 14
Taming the World's Largest Schrodinger Cat
Steve Girvin/David Schuster, Yale University

November 21
Macroscopic Quantum Geometry:Testing the Fidelity of Space-time with Interferometry
Craig Hogan/Steve Meyer, University of Chicago

December 5
The History of Vector Analysis
Michael Crowe/Henry Frisch, University of Notre Dame

Spring Quarter 2013

April 4
Living Matter: Elucidating mechanisms of the protein-based materials underlying cellular movement
Margaret Gardel/Scott Wakely, University of Chicago

April 11
Atomtronic circuitry: A Bose-Einstein condensate in a ring
Bill Phillips/Cheng Chin, Nat'l Institute of Standards and Technology

April 18
Probing strongly correlated quantum systems with single-atom resolution
Stefan Kuhr/Jon Simon, University of Strathclyde

April 25
Basic (but cool!) Physics with Millisecond Pulsars
Scott Ransom/Scott Wakely, University of Virginia

May 2
First Result from the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station
Samuel Ting/Juan Collar, MIT

May 9
Topological insulators and their implications for electronic order
Joel Moore/Jon Simon, University of California/Berkeley

May 16
Large Liquid Xe Detectors Searching for Particle Dark Matter
Rick Gaitskell/Juan Collar, Brown University

May 23
The Cryogenic Dark Matter Search with Silicon Detectors
Lauren Hsu/Juan Collar, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

May 30
Higgs and Dark Matter Variations
Cliff Cheung/Jon Simon, California Institute of Technology

June 6
Using neutrino oscillation to study the matter/antimatter asymmetry of the universe
Morgan Waskco/Scott Wakely, Imperial College, London

Winter Quarter 2013

January 10
Robust Circadian Rhythms from Coupled CatalyticDomains
Michael Rust/Margaret Gardel, University of Chicago

January 17
Probing the Universe with TeV Gamma Rays
Frank Krennrich/Scott Wakely, Iowa State University

January 24
Ultracold molecules - New frontiers in quantum & chemical physics
Jun Ye/Jon Simon, JILA, National Inst. of Standards and Technology and University of Colorado

January 31
Big Computing or Big Data? Trends and Challenges Facing Researchers in the Third Pillar: An Intro. to the UChicago Research Computing Center
Birali Runesha/Scott Wakely, University of Chicago

February 7
Integrable Systems for Accelerators
Sergei Nagaitsev/Young-Kee Kim, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

February 14
EXO and the quest for Majorana Neutrino Masses
Giorgio Gratta/Juan Collar, Stanford University

February 21
Quantum optomechanics: a mechanical platform for quantum foundations and quantum information processing
Markus Aspelmeyer/Jon Simon, University of Vienna

February 28
Order out of chaos:towards understanding galaxy formation in the cosmological context
Andrey Kravstov/Scott Wakely, University of Chicago

March 7
New Physics at the LHC: Higgs and beyond
Lian-Tao Wang/Scott Wakely, University of Chicago

March 14
Kathryn Zurek/Juan Collar, University of Michigan

March 21
Optical Tweezers:Gene Regulation, Studied One Molecule at a Time
Steve Block, Stanford University

Autumn Quarter 2012

October 4
Turbulent Rayleigh-B\'enard and Taylor-Couette flow
Detlef Lohse/Tom Witten, University of Twente

October 11
Progress in the development of the ARIANNA high energy neutrino detector
Steve Barwick/Scott Wakely, UC Irvine

October 25
Optical Metamaterials: Negative Refraction, Superlens and Plasmon Lasers
Xiang Zhang/Jon Simon, UC Berkeley

November 1
Discovering the Higgs Boson - latest results from the CERN LHC
Jim Pilcher/Scott Wakely, University of Chicago

November 8
Hundred Years of Cosmic Rays: Some Reflections on the Research in Chicago 
Dietrich Müller/Scott Wakely, University of Chicago

November 15
What has the Large Hadron Collider done to Theory?
Savas Dimopoulos, Stanford University 
William H. Zachariasen Memorial Lecture

November 29
Ultracold Atoms in Optical Lattices
Randy Hulet/Cheng Chin, Rice University

December 6
Engineering Quantum Materials from Cold Atoms: Mott Insulators to Emergent Crystals
Jonathan Simon, University of Chicago

Spring Quarter 2012

March 29
Eric Isaacs

April 5
Do worms sleep?
David Biron, University of Chicago

April 12
Probing The Structure of the Electron
Gerald Gabrielse, Harvard
Host: Cheng Chin
APS Lilienfeld Prize Lecture

April 19
Extreme Physics of Marginal Matter
Martin van Hecke, University of Leiden
Host: Wendy Zhang 

April 26
Open System Quantum Simulation with Atoms, Molecules and Ions
Peter Zoller, University of Innsbruck
Host: Stephen Berry 
Fano Lecture

May 3
Portals for New Physics at the Intensity Frontier
Ann Nelson, University of Washington  
Host: Carlos Wagner

May 10
The Biophysics of Photosynthetic Light Harvesting and its Regulation
​Graham Fleming, UC Berkeley
Joint Biophysics & Physics

May 24
Twenty-first Century Lattice Gauge Theory: Consequences of the QCD Lagrangian
Host: Carlos Wagner
Andreas Kronfeld, Fermilab

May 31
Physics Exotica: Some New Results and Ideas
Dmitry Budker, UC Berkeley
Host: David Schuster 

June 7
ExoPlanets: From Jupiters to Earths
Geoff Marcy, Joint Physics, Astronomy & KICP

Winter Quarter 2012

January 12
Petawatt to Exawatt Lasers: The Science and Technology of the Highest Power Lasers Ever Built
Todd Ditmire, University of Texas
Host: Carlos Wagner

January 19
Multivalent Ionic Interactions in Multicomponent Polyelectrolyte Mixtures: From New Physics to New Materials
Matthew Tirrell, University of Chicago
Host: Wendy Zhang

January 26
The Intensity Frontier on the Great Plains: Fermilab's Current Programs and Future with Project X
Young-Kee Kim, University of Chicago, Fermilab
Host: Paolo Privitera

February 2
Cosmic Rays, Climate and the CERN CLOUD Experiment
Jasper Kirby, CERN
Host: Paolo Privitera

February 9
Results from the latest run of the CRESST-II Dark Matter Search
​Franz Proebst, Max-Planck-Institut fur Physik
Host: Paolo Privitera

February 16
Charge Transmutation in the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect
Hubert Saleur, Saclay
Host: Ilya Gruzberg

February 23
Spin Ice, Monopoles, Fractionalization and Topological Order
Shivaji Sondhi, Princeton
Host: Paul Wiegmann

March 1
The Higgs Identity
Ian Low, Northwestern University, Argonne
Host: Carlos Wagner

Autumn Quarter 2011

September 29
The Brave nu World
André de Gouvêa, Northwestern University

October 6
Effective field theory and the 2011 Standard Model
Richard Hill, University of Chicago

October 13
The Measurement of Time in the 21st Century
Christophe Salomon, Ecole Normale Superieure

October 20
Deformation of crystals, granular materials, and earthquakes:Using simple models to understand slip avalanches, crackling noise, and universal noise statistics
Karin Dahmen, University of Illinois at Urbana

October 27
Granular Landscapes
Ned Kahn, Ned Kahn Studios

November 3
The Kondo Effect in a Single Electron Transistor: Learning New Physics using Nano-Technology
Marc Kastner, MIT
Zachariasen Lecture

November 10
Geophysical Constraints on Glacial Earthquakes and Glacier Dynamics in Greenland
Meredith Nettles, Columbia University

November 17
Viscosity, quark gluon plasma, and string theory
D. T. Son, University of Washington, Seattle

Spring Quarter 2011

Mar. 31 Jonathan Rosner

Unfinished Business in Particle Physics
University of Chicago

Apr.  7 Carlos Wagner

High Energy Physics at the beginning of the LHC Era
University of Chicago

Apr. 14 Florencia Canelli

Recent Results from Collider Experiments
University of Chicago

Apr. 21 Rob Phillips/Scott Wakely

How Viruses Make New Viruses: A Single Molecule View

Apr. 28

Mark Saffman/Cheng Chin

Strongly interacting Rydberg atoms: from quantum gates to matter wave solitons
Univ. of Wisconsin - Madison

May 5 Frans Pretorius/Wendy Zhang

Black Holes: Probes of the Cosmos and Fundamental Physics
Princeton University

May 12

Aldo Antognini/Florencia Canelli The proton radius puzzle
May 19  

No Colloquium

May 26 Stuart Henderson /Florencia Canelli

Accelerators Across Physics and Society

June 2  

No Colloquium

Winter Quarter 2011

Jan.  6 Walter Lawrence
Host: Levin

Quantum Information and Paradoxes of Physics

Jan. 13 Paolo Privitera
Host: Wakely

Tuning the Radio to Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays
University of Chicago

Jan. 20

David Schuster
Host: Wagner

Cavity QED with electrons on helium
University of Chicago

Jan. 27 Charles Kane
Host: Levin

Topological Insulators and Topological Band Theory
University of Pennsylvania

Feb.  3

Hugh Montgomery
Host: Canelli

Jefferson Lab - The Next Ten Years and Beyond
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

Feb. 10 William Irvine

Curved crystals and knotted fields
University of Chicago 

Feb. 17

Brian de Marco
Host: Chin
Experiments with Dirty Bosons
University of Illinois, Urbana
Feb. 24 Dirk Bouwmeester
Host: Witten

Towards quantum superpositions of a mirror
Santa Barbara

Mar.  3 Xiao Gang Wen
Host: Levin

From highly entangled quantum matter to a unification of light and electrons

Mar. 10 Ben Newling
Host: Wakely

University of New Brunswick

Autumn Quarter 2010

Sept. 30 Scott Wakely

Eyes on the TeV Sky: Astrophysics with VERITAS
University of Chicago

Oct. 7 Margaret Gardel

Cellular Mechanics
University of Chicago

Oct. 14 Roger Penrose/Carlos Wagner

Conformal Cyclic Cosmology: latest results
Oxford University

Oct. 21 Tony Tyson/Florencia Canelli

LSST and the physics of the dark universe
University of California, Davis

Oct. 28

George E. Smith/Ed Blucher

Spring Quarter 2010

April 1 S. C. Zhang/P. Wiegmann

Topological insulators and topological superconductors
Stanford University

April 8 Lian-Tao Wang/C. Wagner

Using LHC Data to Explore New Physics at the Terascale
Princeton University

April 15 Helmut Dosch/Y.-K. Kim

Grand Challenges for Megafacilities

April 22 Michael Ramsey-Musolf/J. Rosner

The Precision Frontier and the New Standard Model
University of Wisconsin, Madison

April 29

Gennady Stupakov/M. Oreglia

Using echo effect in accelerators: how to measure diffusion 
and multiply harmonics

May 6

Philip Kim/W. Kang

Graphitic Carbon Nanostructures: From Analogy of Relativistic Quantum Mechanics to Carbon Based Electronics
Columbia University

May 13

Neil Turok/L. Kadanoff

Was the Big Bang the Beginning?
Perimeter Institute

May 20

Evan Finch/F. Merritt

Recent results from STAR at RHIC
Yale University

May 27 Paul Goldbart/F. Merritt Strands of Superconductivity at the Nanoscale
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
June 3 Guy Savard/F. Merritt

 The CARIBU facility: making r-process nuclei available in the laboratory
Argonne National Laboratory and University of Chicago

June 10 *Robert Kirshner/M. Turner

 *Joint Astronomy/KICP/Physics Colloquium 

The Past, Present, and Future of Supernova Cosmology
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

Winter Quarter 2010

Jan. 7 Fred MacKintosh/T. Witten

Non-equilibrium aspects of the cytoplasm: the cell as an active state of soft matter
Vrije Universiteit

Jan. 14 Robert Wald

Self-Force on a Classical Point Charge
University of Chicago

Jan. 21 Woowon Kang

Topological quantum computing
University of Chicago

Jan. 28 James Evans/T. Witten

The Google Effect on Science and Scholarship: By broadening individual reach, the Internet narrows global understanding 
University of Chicago

Feb. 4

John Galayda/K.-J. Kim

Report of Early Experience with the Linac Coherent Light Source as a User Facility

Feb. 11

Jim Pilcher

Opening a new window - the start of the LHC physics program
University of Chicago

Feb. 18

Z. X. Shen/K. Levin

Photoemission in strongly correlated systems

Feb. 25 Christopher Stubbs

Confronting the Dark Energy Crisis in Fundamental Physics
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

Mar. 4 Kameshwar Wali

Cremona Violins: A Physicist’s Quest for the Secrets of Stradivari. William F. “Jack” Fry
Syracuse University

Mar. 11 Dan Hooper

The Hunt For Dark Matter Continues
University of Chicago

Autumn Quarter 2009

Oct. 1 Stuart Freedman/J. Rosner

The Decade of the Neutrino
UC-Berkeley and LBNL

Oct. 8 Cheng Chin

Having your cake and seeing it too - Exploring quantum criticality and critical dynamics in ultracold atomic gases
University of Chicago 

Oct. 15 Ali Yazdani/K. Levin

Spring Quarter 2009

Apr. 2 Wendy Zhang Memory as vibration in a disconnecting air bubble
University of Chicago
Apr. 9 L. Mahadevan Geometric mechanics: from the atomic to the tectonic
Harvard University
Apr. 16 Ben Kilminster

Massive search pushes Higgs particle into corner at Fermilab

Apr. 23 Tim Tait Unravelling the Nature of Dark Matter
Northwestern University and Argonne

Apr. 30

Cary B. Forest

Turbulent Liquid Metal Dynamo Experiments
University of Wisconsin - Madison

May 7

V. Ramanathan

Strategies for containing climate change below dangerous levels
University of California, San Diego

May 14 R. Sekhar Chivukula The Symmetries of QCD
Michigan State University
May 21 TBA
May 28 Jack Cowan

Statistical Mechanics of Large-Scale Brain Activity
University of Chicago

June 4 Piergiorgio Picozza

Searching for Dark Matter with Cosmic Antiparticles: the PAMELA  Experiment
INFN and University of Rome “Tor Vergata”

Winter Quarter 2009

Jan.  8 David Raizen

When the wiggling stops: round worm quiescence as a model for sleep
University of Pennsylvania

Jan. 15

No colloquium today

Jan. 22 Edward Stone

Zachariasen Lecture

Voyager's Journey to Interstellar Space

Jan. 29 Eric Weeks Colloidal crystals, liquids and glasses: Insights from microscopy
Emory University

Feb.  5

Wei-Shu Hou

CP violation for the heaven and the earth
National Taiwan University

Feb. 12

O. W. Greenberg

The discovery of color; a personal perspective
University of Maryland, College Park

Feb. 19 Debbie Jin Making Ultracold Polar Molecules
JILA, NIST/University of Colorado
Feb. 26 Hamish Robertson Neutrino Physics for the Masses
University of Washington, Seattle
Mar. 5 Blayne Heckel

Recent Results from a Search for the Permanent Electric Dipole Moment (EDM) of 199Hg 
University of Washington

Mar. 12 John Thomas Searching for perfect fluidity in an Atomic Fermi Gas
Duke University

Autumn Quarter 2008

Oct. 2 Mark Raizen

Comprehensive Control of Atomic and Molecular Motion
University of Texas at Austin

Oct. 9 Ilya Gruzberg

Critical wave functions, conformal invariance, and theories for quantum Hall transitions.
University of Chicago

Oct. 16 Joseph Lykken Is it SUSY? - first steps after an LHC discovery
Fermi National Laboratory
Oct. 23 Rajendran Raja Nuclear Energy using Accelerator Driven Sub-Critical systems--The Thorium Option 
Fermi National Laboratory
Oct. 30 John Learned New Directions in Neutrino Research:
Mobile Detectors for Geology, Neutrino Mixing and Mass Hierarchy, Neutrino-astrophysics and Anti-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
University of Hawaii, Manoa
Nov. 6 J.C. Séamus Davis

How the Cooper Pairs vanish as the Mott Insulator state is approached in High-TSuperconductors
Cornell University

Nov. 13 Robin Santra High-intensity laser control of x-ray processes
Argonne National Laboratory
Nov. 20 Perry Wilson The 

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford University
Nov. 27

Spring Quarter 2008

April 3 Burton Richter
Mark Oreglia

Energy in the 21st Century
Stanford Linear Accelerator

April 10 Elena Aprile
Juan Collar


April 17 Steve Ritz
Scott Wakely
GLAST: Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope
Goddard Space Flight Center
April 24 Angela Belcher
Tom Witten
From Nature and Back Again...Giving New Life to Materials for Energy, Electronics, and the Environment
May 1 Bill Phillips
Cheng Chin
Rotating atoms with light: a new twist on coherent deBroglie-wave optics
May 8 Joseph R. Dwyer
Scott Wakely
X-ray Emission from Thunderstorms and Lightning
Florida Institute of Technology
May 15 Roy Schwitters
Mark Oreglia

Imaging Large Objects with Cosmic Rays: Lessons Being Learned in the UT Maya Muon Project
University of Texas at Austin

May 22 Stanislas Leibler
Tom Witten
Fluctuations, Information, and Survival: Some Lessons learned from Bacteria
The Rockefeller University
May 29 Ian Foster
Tom Witten
Computation and Knowledge
University of Chicago
June 5 Tim Hallman
Mark Oreglia
Characterizing the new state of strongly interacting quark-gluon matter discovered at RHIC
Brookhaven National Lab
June 12 Kip Thorne
Bob Wald
The Warped Side of the Universe
California Institute of Technology

Winter Quarter 2008

Jan. 10 Wim Leemans
Mark Oreglia

High energy particle accelerators that can fit on a (large) tabletop by using lasers
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Jan. 17 Phil Bucksbaum
Scott Wakely

Ultrafast Quantum Control
Stanford University

Jan. 24 Joseph Silk
Scott Wakely
Formation of the Galaxies: A Primer for Physicists
University of Oxford
Jan. 31 Arjun Yodh
Sidney Nagel
Functional Imaging and Spectroscopy With Diffuse Light
University of Pennsylvania
Feb. 7 Zheng-Tian Lu
Mark Oreglia
Simple Atom, Extreme Nucleus: Laser Trapping and Probing of Helium-8
Argonne and UChicago
Feb. 14 Abhay Ashtekar
Bob Wald

Quantum Nature of the Big Bang in Simple Models
Pennsylvania State University

Feb. 21 David J. Pine
Tom Witten
Random Organization: A Nonequilibrium Phase Transition in Periodically Sheared Suspensions
New York University
Feb. 28 Seth Putterman
Mark Oreglia
Energy Concentration Phenomena: From Sonoluminescence To Crystal Fusion

University of California at Los Angeles
Mar. 6 Margaret Gardel
Tom Witten
Mechanisms of Force Transmission in Metazoan Cells
University of Chicago

Autumn Quarter 2007

Sept. 27 Scott Wakely

Our Violent Universe: Gamma-ray Astrophysics with VERITAS
University of Chicago

Oct. 2 Serge Haroche

Counting photons without destroying them: an ideal measurement of light
College de France

Oct. 4 Juan Collar Something Old, Something New
University of Chicago
Oct. 11 Thomas Bogdan Space Weather 
Oct. 18 Olgica Bakajin Carbon Nanotube Nanofluidics
Lawrence Livermore Laboratory
Oct. 25 Thomas Halsey 

Addressing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Through Carbon Capture and Storage

Nov. 1 Don Lamb New Insights into Type Ia Supernova Explosions from Large-Scale Simulations
University of Chicago
Nov. 8 Laurence Yaffe Strongly Coupled Plasmas and Gauge/String Duality

University of Washington
Nov. 22 Thanksgiving Day - No Colloquium
Nov. 29 Nod Lipson

Cognitive Robotics and other self-modeling physical systems
Cornell University

Spring Quarter 2007

Mar. 29

Marvin L. Cohen

Univ. of California, Berkeley

Zachariasen Lecture - "The World Year of Physics, Einstein, Nanoscience, and Superconductivity"

Apr. 5

Gabriella Sciolla

Beauty in the Mirror: Looking for New Physics in CP Violation

Apr. 12

Paul McEuen

Nano carbon: from molecular transistors to atomic drumheads

Apr. 19

Eric Cornell
Univ. of Colorado

Set My Vortices Free: Observing the Kosterlitz-Thouless Crossover in an Optical Lattice

Apr. 26

Boris Shklovskii
Univ. of Minnesota

Entropy driven insulator-metal transition in ion channels and nanopores

May 3

Jean-Francois Joanny
Institut Curie

Active gels: toward a generic approach of cell mechanics

May 10

Eric Adelberger
Univ. of Washington

Recent Gravitational Experiments and their Implications for Particle Physics

May 17

Keith Schwab

Quantum Electro-Mechanics

May 24

Steve Girvin

Circuit QED:What is the Electric Field of a Single Photon?

May 31

Janet Conrad

Catch me if you can! Sterile Neutrinos and the MiniBooNE Experiment

June 7

John Hopfield

The brain as a physical dynamical system

Winter Quarter 2007

Jan. 11

Peter Lepage

Cornell University

The Fall and Rise of Lattice QCD: High-Precision Numerical QCD Confronts Experiment

Jan. 18

Werner Hoffman
Max-Planck Institute

The Galaxy in a New Light: High Energy Gamma Ray Astronomy with H.E.S.S.

Jan. 25

Charles Falco
Univ. of Arizona

The Science of Optics; The History of Art

Feb. 1

Philippe Guyot-Sionnest
Univ. of Chicago

Nanophysics with colloidal materials

Feb. 8

Gabriela Gonzalez

Searching for Gravitational Waves: news from the front

Feb. 15

Dan Eisenstein
Univ. of Arizona

Dark Energy and Cosmic Sound

Feb. 22

David Saltzberg


Mar. 1

Paul Horn


Mar. 8

Warren Washington

Climate Modeling of the 20th and 21st Centuries

Mar. 15



Autumn Quarter 2006

Sep. 28

Philippe Cluzel

University of Chicago

From Random Walks to Predictive Biology

Oct. 5

Wendy Zhang

University of Chicago

Memory in Topological Transitions on Liquid Interfaces

Oct. 12

Lisa Randall

Harvard University

Warped Geometry: Consequences and Signatures

Oct. 19

Dietrich Müller

University of Chicago

Spring Quarter 2006

Mar. 30

Sav Sethi

University of Chicago

From the Beginning to the End of Time

Apr. 6

Stephan Meyer

University of Chicago

Three Year WMAP Results

Apr. 13

Moses Chan

Penn State

Can a solid be a superfluid?

Apr. 20

Matias Zaldiarriaga


Center for Astrophysics


Apr. 27

Subir Sachdev



May 4

Christopher Monroe

Univ. of Michigan


May 11

Robert Wald

University of Chicago

Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime

May 18

Leo Kadanoff

University of Chicago

Making a Splash; Breaking a Neck: The Development of Complexity in Physical Systems

May 25

Leo Stodolsky


Bursts from the early universe and seeing the very beginning

June 1


Winter Quarter 2006

Jan. 5

George Gollin


Hijacking Liberia and Other Acts of Piracy: Diploma Mills in a Networked World

Jan. 12

Daniel Fisher

Harvard Univ.

Is evolution understood? Quantitative questions from a statistical mechanic

Jan. 19

Frank Wilczek


Zachariasen Lecture "The Universe is a Strange Place"

Jan. 26

Stephan Meyer

Univ. of Chicago


Feb. 2

Peter Garnavich

Univ. of Notre Dame

Measuring Dark Energy with Supernovae

Feb. 9


Feb. 16

Jun Ye


Feb. 23

Benoit Mandelbrot

IBM, Yale


Mar. 2

Gordon Baym



Mar. 9


Autumn Quarter 2005

Sept. 29

Sidney Redner

Boston University

Statistical Physics of Citations

Oct. 6

Ilya Gruzberg

University of Chicago

Multifractals in condensed matter and field theory: new approaches and results

Oct. 13

Paolo Privitera

University of Rome

Exploring the cosmic rays energy frontier with the Auger Observatory

Oct. 20

Mark Wise

Spring Quarter 2005

Mar. 31

Sean Carroll

University of Chicago

Why is the Universe Accelerating?

Apr. 7

Colloquium cancelled

Apr. 14

Neal Lane

Rice University

One perspective on American science - some trouble ahead!

Apr. 21

Robert Deck

University of Toledo

The Connection between Spin and Statistics in Quantum Mechanics

Apr. 28

Melanie Mitchell

Portland State University

The Effects of Spatial Distribution in Coevolutionary Learning

May 5

Peter Sarnak


Zeta functions and random matrix theory

May 12

Kathy Levin

University of Chicago

The New Fermi Superfluids: From High Temperature Superconductors To Ultracold Atomic Gases

May 19

Arthur Miller

University College London

Obsession and Betrayal in the Quest for Black Holes

May 26

Ron Walsworth


Center for Astrophysics

Multidisciplinary Applications of State-Selected Atoms

June 2

Neal Weiner

New York University

Neutrino Mass and Dark Energy

June 9

Carlos Bustamante

Univ. of California, 


Single Molecule Observation of Hepatitis C Virus RNA Helicase at Work

Winter Quarter 2005

Jan. 6

Scott Hughes


Gravitational waves: A tool for studying black hole physics

Jan. 13

Eugene Beier

University of Pennsylvania

The Revolution in Neutrino Physics

Jan. 20

Samir Mathur

Ohio State

What is inside a black hole?

Jan. 27

Charles Marcus


Quantum Circuits

Feb. 3

Ed Blucher

University of Chicago

Searching for Clues to the Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry with Kaons and Neutrinos

Feb. 10

Robert Geroch

University of Chicago

Faster than light?

Feb. 17

George Crabtree



Feb. 24

Maria Spiropulu


Physics at 14 TeV

Mar. 3

Cheng Chin

University of Chicago

Convert a Bose-Einstein condensate into a Cooper-paired degenerate Fermi gas

Mar. 10

Gordon Cates

University of Virginia


Autumn Quarter 2004

Oct. 7

Juan Collar

University of Chicago

COUPP, the Chicago Observatory for Underground Particle Physics (and other groping in the dark)

Oct. 14

Igor Novikov


Problems of the Internal Structure of Black Holes

Spring Quarter 2004

Apr. 1

Thomas A. Prince


Astronomy and Physics with the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA)

Apr. 8

Michael Turner

University of Chicago, NSF

A Cosmologist Goes to Washington: Report from the Front Lines

Apr. 15

Roger Angel

University of Arizona

Seeing and analyzing extra-solar planets: a new challenge for astronomical telescopes

Apr. 22

Ian Shipsey

Purdue University

Bringing Hearing to the Deaf - Cochlear Implants: a Technical and Personal Account

Apr. 29

Thomas Humphrey



May 6

Alexei Abrikosov

Bell Laboratories

Argonne Nat. Lab.

Superconductivity:history and modern state

May 13

Jerry Gollub

Haverford College


May 20

Peter Galison

Harvard University

Einstein's Clocks, Poincare's Maps

May 27


Winter Quarter 2004

Jan. 8

Alexei Abrikosov

Bell Laboratories

Argonne National Lab

Superconductivity:history and modern state

Jan. 15

Jim Eisenstein


Quantum Hall Effect Meets Bose Condensation: Long Sought Superfluid Found?

Jan. 22

Robert Kirshner

Harvard University

The ESSENCE of the Universe: what is the dark energy?

Jan. 29

Stephen I. Schwartz

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Nuclear Weapons: Not Just for Deterrence Anymore?

Feb. 5

Randy Hulet

Rice University

Conversion of an Atomic Fermi Gas to a Molecular Bose Gas

Feb. 12

Sajeev John

University of Toronto

Photonic Band Gap Materials: Semiconductors of Light

Feb. 19

David DeMille

Yale University

Fundamental physics with diatomic molecules: from CP violation to quantum computation

Feb. 26

James Cronin

University of Chicago

Zachariasen Lecture "Fermi Remembered"

Mar. 4

Wayne Hu

University of Chicago


Autumn Quarter 2003

Oct. 2

Eric Isaacs

Bell Laboratories

Lucent Technologies

X-ray Nano-Vision of Solids

Oct. 9

Savdeep Sethi

University of Chicago

Time and String Theory

Oct. 16

Eugene Parker

University of Chicago

Spontaneous Discontinuities in Magnetic Fields

Oct. 23

Brad Marston

Brown University

The Quantum Mechanics of Global Warming

Oct. 30

Mark Newman

University of Michigan

Epidemics, Erdos numbers, and the Internet: The structure and function of networks

Spring Quarter 2003

Apr. 3

Matthew Fisher

UC Santa Barbara

Cuprates Amiss: Subtle simplicity or a matted mess?

Apr. 10

Arnold Levine


The Human Genome Project

Apr. 17

Aron Pinczuk

Columbia University

Illuminating Electron Liquids in Quantum Structures

Apr. 24

David Weinberger

May 1

Raymond Chiao

UC Berkeley

Photon tunneling times and superluminality

May 8

David Awschalom

UC Santa Barbara

Manipulating Quantum Information with Semiconductor Spintronics

May 15

William A. Zajc

Columbia University

May 22

Raman Sundrum

May 29

Frank Wilczek


Jun. 5

Roger Hildebrand

University of Chicago

Winter Quarter 2003

Jan. 9

Chris Quigg

Fermi Lab

The Futures of Particle Physics

Jan. 16

Valery Nesvizhevsky

Institute Laue-Langevin

Grenoble, France

Quantum states of neutrons in the Earth's gravitational field and interaction of neutrons with nanoparticles

Jan. 23

Herman Verlinde

Princeton University

Holography and Gravitational Collapse

Jan. 30

Leonid Glazman

University of Minnesota

Kondo Effect in Quantum Dots

Feb. 6

Steve Simon

Lucent Technologies

The Unexpected Physics in Modern Wireless Communication: Replicas, Diffusions, and Supersymmetry for fun and profit.

Feb. 13

Harry L. Swinney

Univ. of Texas at Austin

Patterns and shock waves in rapid granular flows

Feb. 20

Carlos Wagner

Argonne National Lab.

Supersymmetry, the Baryon Asymmetry and the Origin of Mass

Feb. 27

Zheng-Tien Lu

Argonne National Lab.

Catching Rare Atoms with Light

Mar. 6

Hitoshi Murayama

UC Berkeley


Mar 13

William Bialek

Princeton University


Autumn Quarter 2002

Oct. 3

John Carlstrom

University of Chicago

Detection of Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization with DASI

Oct. 10

Ali Yazdani


Fine-Tuning Electronic States in Carbon Nanotubes

Oct. 17

Juan Collar

University of Chicago

Oct. 24

Daniel Tsui

Spring Quarter 2002

Mar. 28

Eric J. Heller

Harvard University

Making Waves: Quantum Billiards to Concert Halls

Apr. 4

John Beacom

Theoretical Astrophysics Group, Fermilab

Supernova Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics

Apr. 11

Norval Fortson

University of Washington

T-violation and a new search for a permanent electric dipole moment of the Hg atom

Apr. 18

Nat Fisch

Princeton University

Uses of High Power Electromagnetic Waves in Plasma

Apr. 25

Eric Adelberger

University of Washington

Sub-millimeter Tests of the Gravitational Inverse Square Law

May 2

Janna Levin

DAMTP, Cambridge

Chaos, black holes and gravitational waves

May 9

Maria Spiropulu

University of Chicago

There is something about SUSY

May 16

Thomas F. Rosenbaum

University of Chicago

Tunable Tunneling in Spin Solids, Liquids and Glasses

May 23


May 30

Peter Freund

University of Chicago

Winter Quarter 2002

Jan. 3

No colloquium today

Jan. 10

Anthony J. Leggett

University of Illinois

at Urbana-Champaign

Introduction to High-energy Low-temperature Physics

Jan. 17

John Marko

University of Illinois

at Chicago

Direct Micromechanical Study of Single Biomolecules:

Molecular Biology Meets Soft Condensed Matter Physics

Jan. 24

Michael Turner

University of Chicago

Jan. 31

Feb. 7

Dava Sobel

Author of Longitude

and Galileo's Daughter

Feb. 14

Feb. 21

Jayanth R. Banavar

Pennsylvania State Univ.

Feb. 28

David Kestenbaum

National Public Radio

Mar. 7

Philippe Cluzel

University of Chicago

Autumn Quarter 2001

Oct. 4

Nergis Mavalvala

California Institute of Technology

Gravitational Wave Detection with Interferometers:

Present to Future

Oct. 11

David G. Grier

University of Chicago

The Guiding Light:

Kinetics, Dynamics and Controlled Motion 

in Holographic Optical Tweezer Arrays

Oct. 18

Michael E. Peskin

Stanford Linear

Accelerator Center

A Decade of Precision Electroweak Measurements

Oct. 25

Spring Quarter 2001

Mar. 29

Martin Klein

Yale University

100 Years Post Planck

Apr. 5

Donald G. York

University of Chicago

Continuing Results from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey:

The Farthest, the Coolest, and the Darkest

Apr. 12

Gerald Gabrielse

Harvard University

First Positron Cooling of Antiprotons:

Getting Closer to Cold Antihydrogen

Apr. 19

Laura H. Greene

University of Illinois/


Detecting Broken Symmetries in High-Temperature Superconductors

Apr. 26

William Cochran

University of Texas 

at Austin

Making Sense of Extra-Solar Planets

May 3

Steven Chu

Stanford University

What can Biology do for Physics?

N.B. Special Time: 2:30 p.m. (tea at 2:00 in KPTC 206)

May 10

Hamish Robertson

University of Washington

Solar Neutrinos Meet 1000 Tonnes of Heavy Water: 

Report from the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory

May 17

James W. Cronin

University of Chicago

Some Vignettes from the History of Cosmic Rays

May 24

Patricia R. Burchat

Stanford University

Recent Results on CP Violation in B Decays from BABAR

May 31

Marc Kamionkowski

California Institute

of Technology

The First 10-38 Seconds

N.B. Fri., 6/1, EFI Mini-symposium, "Polarization of the CMBR"

Winter Quarter 2001

Jan. 4

Paul Chaikin

Princeton University

Trillions of Quantum Dots, Fingerprints, Nanolithography with Diblock Copolymers, and the Formation of Striped Patterns

Jan. 11

Steven M. Kahn

Columbia University

First Results from the Reflection Grating Spectrometer 

on the XMM-Newton Observatory

Jan. 18

Suzanne Staggs

Princeton University

A Limit on the Polarized Anisotropy of the Cosmic Microwave Background at Subdegree Angular Scales

Jan. 25

Janet Conrad

Columbia University

The Front Page Nu's

Feb. 1

Theodore Postol

Massachusetts Institute 

of Technology

Scientific Fraud in the National Missile Defense Program

Feb. 8

Mark Oreglia

University of Chicago

Have We Caught a Glimpse of the Higgs Boson?

(Comments by a Cautious Participant)

Feb. 15

Sean Carroll

University of Chicago

What do we (really) know about the expansion of the universe?

Feb. 22

David DiVincenzo

IBM T. J. Watson 

Research Center

Alternatives for Solid State Quantum Computing

Mar. 1

W. E. Moerner

Stanford University

Single-Molecule Spectroscopy,

from Quantum Optics to Molecular Motors

Mar. 8

Richard Gaitskell

University College London

Whither WIMPs:

A Review of CDMS, and Other Experiments, 

Looking for 30% of the Missing Mass of the Universe

Autumn Quarter 2000

Sept. 28

James Buckley

Washington University

TeV Gamma-Ray Astronomy:

The Most Violent Places in the Universe

Spring Quarter 2000

Mar. 30

Jacob Klein

Weizmann Institute

Entropic Forces: From Colloids to Biolubrication

Apr. 6

Sunil Sinha

Argonne National Laboratory APS

Watching Competing Fluctuations in Novel Magnetic Systems

Apr. 13

Sidney Nagel

University of Chicago

Breaking Away, Selective Withdrawal and Islets in the Stream:

Encapsulation with Threads of Fluid

Apr. 20

Robert Rosner

University of Chicago

Turbulent Mixing in Astrophysical Flashes

Apr. 27

Andrew Lange

California Institute of Technology

Imaging the Early Universe:

Observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background

May 4

Aris Floratos

IBM T.J. Watson Research Center

Combinatorial Pattern Discovery in Biological Data

May 18

Wolfgang Ketterle

Massachusetts Institute 

of Technology

Bose-Einstein Condensation:

Quantum Mechanics at Zero Temperature

May 25

Raymond Pierrehumbert

University of Chicago

The Physics of Global Warming

June 1

Kurt Gottfried

Cornell University;

Union of Concerned Scientists

US Nuclear Weapons Policy: Is the Cold War Over?

Winter Quarter 2000

Jan. 6

Lourdes Monteagudo

Teachers Academy for 

Mathematics & Science

The Challenges of Teaching Math and Science 

in an Urban Environment

Jan. 13

Robert B. Griffiths

Carnegie-Mellon University

Quantum Mechanics and Measurements

Jan. 20

Michael Witherell

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

Fermilab and the Future of High Energy Physics

Jan. 27

Harvey Tananbaum

Smithsonian Astrophysical Laboratory

First Scientific Results from the Chandra X-Ray Observatory

joint Physics/Astronomy & Astrophysics colloquium

Feb. 3

Joseph Lykken

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

The Search for Extra Dimensions

Feb. 10

Stuart Freedman

University of California/Berkeley

Solving the Solar Neutrino Puzzle in the Laboratory: 

Experiments with KamLAND

Feb. 17

Matthew Choptuik

University of British Columbia

Critical Phenomena in Gravitational Collapse

Feb. 24

Steven Vogel

Duke University

Feather Shafts and Daffodil Stems:

Twisting in the Wind without Getting Bent out of Shape

Mar. 2

John Simpson

University of Chicago

The Cosmic Radiation: Past, Present, and Future

Mar. 9

Maurice Goldhaber

Brookhaven National Laboratory

A Student at the Cavendish Laboratory in the 1930s

Autumn Quarter 1999

Sept. 30

Juan Maldacena

Harvard University

The Large N Limit of Gauge Theories

Oct. 7

Martin Gutzwiller

IBM T.J. Watson Research Center

Can You See Classical Chaos in Quantum Mechanics?

Oct. 14

Edward Blucher

University of Chicago

Investigating the Difference Between Matter and Antimatter

Spring Quarter 1999

Apr. 1
Yau Wah
University of Chicago
Symmetry and Conservation Laws:
New Results from Kaon and Pion Decays

Apr. 8
Thomas J. Greytak
Massachusetts Inst. of Technology
Bose-Einstein Condensation in Atomic Hydrogen

Apr. 15
Donald Saari
Northwestern University
Math of Different Dimensional Spaces

Apr. 22
Michael Marder
University of Texas/Austin
How Things Break

Apr. 29
David Griffiths
Reed College
The Power of Instruction: Teaching and Writing about Physics

May 6
Gordon A. Thomas
Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies
The Physics Behind an Optical Communications Breakthrough

May 13
J. Craig Wheeler
University of Texas
Asymmetric Supernovae, Magnetars, and Gamma-Ray Bursts

May 20
Steven Kivelson
University of California/Los Angeles
Relieving the Frustration:
High Tc superconductivity in Doped Antiferromagnets

May 27
Norbert F. Scherer
University of Chicago
The Institute for Biophysical Dynamics and
a Tale of Biology Impacting Chemical Physics

June 3
Roland Winston
University of Chicago
The Fluid Mechanics of Light

Winter Quarter 1999

Jan. 7
Michael Paesler
North Carolina State University
Near Field Microscopy

Jan. 14
Narkis E. Shatz
Science Applications lnt'l Corp.
Advances in Global Optimization with Application to the Physical Sciences

Jan. 21
H. Jeff Kimble
California Inst. of Technology
Quantum Information Science: The Promise, the Problems, and the Plumbing

Jan. 28
Kwang-Je Kim
Argonne National Laboratory and The University of Chicago
From Synchrotron Radiation to Free Electron Lasers:
Current and Future Light Sources

Feb. 4
Thomas E. Henkel
Wagner College
Cooling with the Sun: Solar-Powered Thermal Air Conditioning

Feb. 11
Rainer Weiss
Mass. Inst. of Technology
An Update on LIGO, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory

Feb. 18
Thomas A. Witten
The University of Chicago
Crumpling: How Smooth Space Makes Sharp Structures

Feb. 25
Allan Kaufman
Univ. of California/Berkeley
Ray Phase-Space Methods for Wave Conversion Processes
in Plasma Physics and Oceanography

Mar. 4
Robert Littlejohn
Univ. of California/Berkeley
Falling Cats, Phases, and the N-Body Problem

Mar. 11
Emil Wolf
University of Rochester
The Development of Optical Coherence Theory

Autumn Quarter 1998

Oct. 8
Heinrich Jaeger
University of Chicago
Mesoscopic Self-Assembly with Polymers

Oct. 15
Harvey Moseley
Goddard Space Flight Center
The Submillimeter Probe of the Evolution of Cosmic Structure (SPECS)

Oct. 22 Jerome Friedman
Mass. Institute of Technology
New Horizons in Particle Physics
Zachariasen Lecture

Oct. 29
Type Ia Supernovae Conference Sessions
Alexei Filippenko, Univ of California/Berkeley
Cosmology with Type Ia Supemovae by the High-z Supenova Search Team
Saul Perlmutter, Lawrence Berkeley Labs
Measurements of Omega and Lambda from 42 High-Redshift Supenovae:
Is the Universe Really Accelerating?

Nov. 5
Paul Chaikin
Princeton University
Hard Spheres in Space

Nov. 12
Robert Sachs
University of Chicago
Gibbs, Von Neumann, and the "QCD Vaccuum"

Nov. 19
Evan Evans
Univ of British Columbia
Using Dynamic Force Spectroscopy to Explore Energy Landscapes
of Biomolecular Bonds and Structural Cohesion

Nov. 26
Thanksgiving Holiday

Dec. 3
Roger Hildebrand
University of Chicago
The Polarization Spectrum: Magnetic Fields and Embedded Stars

Dec. 10
Lawrence R. Sulak
Boston University
Discovery of Neutrino Oscillations...
First Indication of Physics Beyond the Standard Model?

Spring Quarter 1998

Apr. 2
R. Stephen Berry
University of Chicago
Topographies and Dynamics in Many Dimensions: Clusters and Protein Models

Apr. 9
Paul C. Sereno
University of Chicago
Bones, Ashes, and Island Continents: A Global Look at Dinosaur Evolution

Apr. 16
Valentine L. Telegdi
University of California/San Diego
Leo Szilard as an Inventor: Accelerators and More

Apr. 23
Cumrun Vafa
Harvard University
Strings, Geometry and Physics

Apr. 30
Edward Farhi
Massachusetts Inst. of Technology
Computational Speedup from Quantum Mechanics

May 7
Paul Steinhardt
University of Pennsylvania
Penrose Tiling and Quasicrystals Revisited

May 14
Kevin Corlette
University of Chicago
Harmonic Maps between Surfaces

May 21
Peter Galison
Harvard University
Image and Logic: A Material Culture of Microphysics

May 28
Astronomy & Astrophysics Bishop Lecture
Scott Tremaine
Princeton University
The Case for Massive Black Holes in the Centers of Nearby Galaxies

June 4
Michael A. Weiss
University of Chicago
The Polymer Physics of DNA: Beyond the Flexible Worm

June 11
George Zweig
Los Alamos Nat'l Laboratory
Listening to the Ear

Winter Quarter 1998

Jan. 5
Steven M. Block
Princeton University
Using Optical Tweezers to Study Biological Motors

Jan. 15
Emil J. Martinec
University of Chicago
Gravitons, Membranes, Black Holes, and Matrix Mechanics

Jan. 22
Patrick A. Lee
Mass Inst. of Technology
High Tc Superconductors:
Unconventional Normal State & Newly Conventional Superconducting State

Jan. 29
Alan T. Dorsey
University of Florida
From Dendrites to Labyrinths:
The Morphology of Magnetic Flux Patterns in Superconductors

Feb. 5
James W. Dufty
University of Florida
Statistical Mechanics, Kinetic Theory and Hydrodynamics of Uniform Shear Flow

Feb. 6
Steven Chu
Stanford University
Experiments with Single Biomolecules

Feb. 12
Robert M. Wald
University of Chicago
Black Holes, Thermodynamics, and the Information "Paradox"

Feb. 19
Charles Marcus
Stanford University
Small Electronics and Quantum Chaos

Feb. 26
Alexander L. Fetter
Stanford University
Physics of Dilute Bose-Einstein Trapped Condensates

Mar. 5
Stephen L. Sass
Cornell University .
The Substance of Civilization: Materials Through the Ages

Mar. 12
Yuhai Tu
IBM Watson Research Center
Dynamics of Flocking: How Birds Fly Together

Autumn Quarter 1997

Oct. 2
René Ong
University of Chicago
Exploring a New Window in Gamma-Ray Astrophysics

Oct. 9
Woowon Kang
University of Chicago
Probing the Unknowns of Sonoluminescence with Magnetic Fields

Oct. 16
David Grier
University of Chicago
Microscopic Origins of Macroscopic Phenomena in Model Condensed Matter Systems

Oct. 23
Elizabeth Simmons
Boston University
Why is This Quark Different from All Other Quarks?

Oct. 30
John N. Bahcall
Inst for Advanced Studies
What Have We Learned about Solar Neutrinos?

Nov. 6
Elizabeth Praton
Franklin & Marshall College
At the Center of the Bull's-Eye: A Curious Illusion in Galaxy Maps

Nov. 13
Marvin L. Goldberger
Univ of Califomia/San Diego
The Chicago Atom Bomb Project and Its Legacy
Zachariasen Lecture

Nov. 20
William Purcell
Ball Aerospace Corp.
Galactic Positron Production and Annihilation Processes

Nov. 27
Thanksgiving Holiday
no colloquium

Dec. 4
Jonathan Widom
Northwestern University
Biophysical Studies of Chromosomes:
Structure and Function of DNA, from Angstroms to Meters

Spring Quarter 1997

Apr. 3
Mark Oreglia
University of Chicago
A Guide to Electron-Positron Annihilation Physics:
The Past, Present, and Future at LEP

Apr. 10
Charles Steidel
California Institute of Technology
The Epoch of Galaxy Formation: Found?

Apr. 17
Alan Dressler
Carnegie Observatories
Galaxy Evolution:
Clues from the Hubble Space Telescope about the Role of Environment

Apr. 24
David R. Nelson
Harvard University
Localization and Population Biology

May 1
No colloquium today, deferring to U of C Ryerson Lecture
Eugene N. Parker
Probing Space Through Measurements and Meditations on Your Porch

May 8
Fred C. Adams
University of Michigan
A Dying Universe: The Long Term Fate and Evolution of Astrophysical Objects

May 15
Albert Libchaber
Rockefeller University
Playing with DNA: Information Retrieval and Computation

May 22
John Carlstrom
University of Chicago
Imaging the Sunyaev Zel'dovich Effect: Measuring the Age of the Universe

May 29
David Black
NASA Lunar Planetary Inst
The Search for Habitable Planets in Other Planetary Systems

June 5
Sidney Coleman
Harvard University
Quantum Mechanics in Your Face

June 12
Carl Wieman
Univ of Colorado at Boulder
Parity Violation in Atomic Cesium:
Atomic, Particle, and Nuclear Physics on the Same Table

Winter Quarter 1997

Jan. 9
Paul Mackenzie
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Progress in Lattice QCD

Jan. 16
Brian Greene
Cornell University
Strings, Black Holes, and the Structure of Spacetime

Jan. 23
Gerald Gabrielse
Harvard University
CPT Tests with Antiprotons and Antihydrogen

Jan. 30
James Shapiro
University of Chicago
Bacterial Pattem Formation: Does It Hold Lessons for Physics?

Feb. 6
Donald Schneider
Pennsylvania State Univ
Scanning for Violence at the Edge of the Universe

Feb. 13
David Goodstein
Calif Inst of Technology
The Big Crunch: The End of Expansion in Science

Feb. 20
Sidney Nagel
University of Chicago
Granular Liquids, Gases and Solids: What is Sand Anyway?

Feb. 27
Kenneth Lane
Boston University
TECHNICOLOR or How We Learned to Replace Ugly Higgs Bosons
with Beautiful New Strong Forces at High Energies

Mar. 6
Richard Garwin
IBM Watson Research Center
Adventures of a Physicist in National Security Technology and Policy
Zachariasen Lecture

Mar. 7
Steven Chu
Stanford University
Ultra-high Precision Atom Interferometry

Mar. 13
Henry Frisch
University of Chicago
The Top Quark and Beyond

Autumn Quarter 1996

Oct. 3
Peter Saulson
Syracuse University
Prospects for Gravitational Wave Detection at LIGO '

Oct. l0
Andrew Strominger
University of California/Santa Barbara
String Theory and Black Holes

Oct. 17
Corbin Covault
University of Chicago
Gamma-Ray Astronomy with Solar Towers: Cracking men the Window

Oct. 24
David Kutasov
University of chicago
New Phenomena in Strongly Coupled Field and String Theories

Oct. 31
Special colloquium in honor of John Simpson
Eugene Parker, Heinrich Vök, Edward Stone, Roald Sagdeev, Juan Roederer, Reimar Lüst

Nov. 7
Stephan Meyer
University of Chicago
Precision Mapping of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR) Anisotropy

Nov. 14
Chryssa Kouveliotou
NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
Gamma-Ray Bursts: A Three-Decade Mystery

Nov. 21
Kenneth Wilson
Ohio State University
Building a 2 lst Century Research University

Nov. 28

Dec. 5
Gregory Boebinger
AT&T BellLabs
Correlated Electrons in a Million Gauss

Dec. 12
Abhay Ashtekar
Penn State University
Quantum Theory of Geometry

Spring Quarter 1996

March 28
Roger Penrose, FRS
University of Oxford
Twistors and General Relativity: Some New Developments

Apri1 4
James P. Wolfe
University of Illinois
Seeing Sound in Solids

April 11
Alain Connes
Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques, Bures-sur-Yvette
Gravity Coupled with Matter and the Spectral Action Principle

April 18
James W. Cronin
University of Chicago
The Pierre Auger Cosmic Ray Observatories

April 25
Susan N. Coppersmith
University of Chicago
Force Fluctuations in Granular Materials

May 2
Robert P. Geroch
University of Chicago
Whither Path Integrals?

May 9
Marc Kastner
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Phase Transitions in a Droplet of 30 Electrons

May 16
Jabez McClelland
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Nanofabrication Using Atom Optics

May 23
John Clarke
University of California/Berkeley
High-Tc SQUIDS: An Emerging Technology

May 30
Anthony J. Tyson
AT&T Bell Laboratories
Weighing the Universe with Weak Lensing

June 6
David T. Wilkinson
Princeton University
Even Closer Looks at the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation

Winter Quarter 1996

Jan. 4
No colloquium
Happy new year!

Jan. 11
Michael Brenner
Mass. Inst. of Technology
Bouncing Through Minefields: A Bubble's Route to Sonoluminescence

Jan. 18
A. Polyakov
Princeton University
Turbulence and Quantum Field Theory

Jan. 25
Woowon Kang
University of Chicago
What is a Composite Fermion, Anyway?

Feb. 1
Jeffrey Harvey
University of Chicago
Duality in Field, Sting and Brane

Feb. 8
David Schramm
University of Chicago
Shadows of Creation: The Dark Matter of the Universe

Feb. 15
Gabriel Aeppli
NEC Research Institute
From Insulator to Superconductor with Hot and Cold Neutrons

Feb. 22
Robert Laughlin
Stanford University
Numerical Evidence for Strong Interaction Physics in Quantum Antiferromagnets

Feb. 29
Hitachi, Ltd. Advanced Research Lab
Electron Holography

Mar. 7
Boris Altshuler
From Anderson Localization to Quantum chaos

Autumn Quarter 1995

Oct. 5
Robert Eisenstein
National Science Foundation
The Times, They Are a-Changin'

Oct. 12
Carl Wieman
University of Colorado
Bose-Einstein Condensation in an Ultracold Gas

Oct. 19
Research Institutes' 50th Anniversary Symposium
A two-day program, Oct. 19-20, at Ida Noyes Hall, 1212 East 59th Street
Interdisciplinary Science and Technology: Past Experience and Prospects for the 21st Century

Oct. 26
Robert L. Jaffe
Mass. Institute of Technology/Harvard University
Quantum Mechanics in Twisting Tubes

Nov. 2
Christopher Hill
Fermi Nat'l Accelerator Lab
The Top Quark and the Origin of Mass

Nov. 9
T-D- Lee
Columbia University
Symmetry and Asymmetry
Zachariasen Lecture

Nov. 16
Norval Fortson
University of Washington
Using Atoms to Probe the Particle Physics Frontier

Nov. 23

Nov. 30
David B. Malament
University of Chicago
An Old Question about Newtonian Gravitation Theory

Dec. 7
Hellmut Fritzsche
University of Chicago
Puzzling Interactions of Light with Matter

Spring Quarter 1995

Mar. 30
Michael Zeller
Yale University Studying Decays of the Other K Meson

Apr. 6
Alexei Abrikosov
Argonne National Laboratory
Quantum Phenomena in Conductivity and Mesoscopics

Apr. 13
Walter F. Henning
Argonne National Laboratory
Nuclei Far from Stability: Physics Opportunities with Radioactive Beams

Apr. 20
Leonard Mandel
University of Rochester
Quantum and Non-local Effects in Optical Interference

Apr. 27
Nathan Seiberg
Rutgers University
Exact Results in Four Dimensional Field Theory

May 4
Sidney Drell
Stanford University
Technical Issues of a Test Ban

May 11
Owen Gingerich
Harvard -Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
Circles of the Gods: Copemicus, Kepler, and the Ellipse

May 18
Robert Kirshner
Harvard University
Taking the Measure of the Universe

May 25
William Beckman
University of Wisconsin
Impact on a Utility, Utility Customers, and the Environment of an Ensemble of Solar Domestic Hot Water Systems

June 1
Eugene Parker
University of Chicago
Spontaneous Discontinuities in Magnetic Fields. The Optical Analogy and Stellar X-ray Emissions

Winter Quarter 1995

Jan. 5
Carlos Bustamante
University of Oregon
Measurement of Elastic Response of Single DNA Molecules Using Magnetic Beads

Jan. 12
Charles K. Rhodes
University of Illinois at Chicago
"Since We Must Be Strong, We Must Also Be One": Coherence Decree for X-ray Amplification

Jan, 19
Michael Turner
University of Chicago
Toward a Grander Big Bang Model

Jan. 26
Leonid Levitov
Mass. Institute of Technology
Plants, Packing, and Number Theory

Feb. 2
Earl Peterson
University of minnesota
Do Neutrinos Oscillate?

Feb. 9
Gene F. Mazenko
University of Chicago
Science in the National Interest: Directions for US Science Policy

Feb, 16
C. Robert O'Dell
Rice University
The First Year of the Repaired Hubble Space Telescope

Feb. 23
David DiVencenzo
IBM/Yorktown Heights
Quantum Computing Using Spins

John Kirtley
IBM Yorktown Heights
Half-integer Flux Quanta and the Symmetry of the High-T c Superconducting Order Parameter

Mar. 9
Boris Shklovskii
University of Minnesota
How Perfect is he Quantum Hall Effect?

Autumn Quarter 1994

Oct. 6
S. Chandrasekhar
University of Chicago
The Series Paintings of Claude Monet and the Landscape of General Relativity

OCT 13
Robert Janssens
Argonne Nat'l Laboratory
Superdeformation and New Nuclear Symmetries

Oct. 20
Elias Snitzer
Rutgers University
Fiber optics

Oct. 27
Marshall Rosenbluth
Univ, of Calif./San Diego
Physics Issues for Fusion Zachariasen Lecture

Nov. 3
Eric Mazur
Harvard University
Understanding or memorization: Are we Teaching the Right Thing?

Nov. 10
James Hartle
Univ. of Calif./Sta. Barbara
Quantum Mechanics in the Light of Quantum Cosmology

Nov. 17
Aron Pinczuk
AT&T; Bell Laboratories
Roton Excitations in Quantum Hall Systems

Nov. 24

Dec. 1
Hugh Wilson
University of Chicago
Non-linear Dynamics and Human Retinal Function

Dec. 8
Robert Sachs
University of Chicago
Schroedinger's Cat Revisited: Relation between Theory and Experiment in Physics

Spring Quarter 1994

Mar. 31
Dale Meade
Princeton University
Deuterium-Tritium Fusion Experiments in Princeton

Lincoln Wolfenstein
Carnegie Mellon University
Lepton-Hadron Symmetry and Neutrino Mass

Apr. 14
Carl Fichtel
NASA Goddard Space Center
High Energy Gamma Ray Astrophysics: Results from the Compton Observatory

Apr. 21
Konrad Mauersberger
University of Minnesota Another Ozone Problem?

Apr. 28
Brian Schwartz
APS/Brooklyn College
Life After the Ph.D.

May 5
Melvyn Shochet
University of Chicago
A view from the Top

May 12
Malcolm Beasley
Stanford University
Experimental Tests of the Symmetry of the Pair Wave Function in High-Temperature Superconductors

May 19
David Grier
University of Chicago
Interactions, Microsttucture, and Dyuarnics in Colloidal Phase Transitions

May 26
Christopher Stubbs
University of California/Sauta Barbara
Searching for Baryonic Dark Matter: A Report from the MACHO Collaboration

June 2
Pierre Sokolsky
University of Utah
Joules from the Sky: Fly's Eye Results on Extremely High Energy Cosmic Rays

Winter Quarter 1994

Jan. 6
George Crabtree
Argonne National Laboratory
Vortex Melting Phenomena in Superconductors

Jan. 13
David Kutasov
University of Chicago
QCD and String Theory

Jan. 20
David Thouless
University of Washington
Topological Quantum Numbers and the Quantum Hall Effect

Jan. 27
John Schiffer
University of Chicago/ Argonne National Laboratory
A Unique Form of Matter in the Condensed State: Cold Classical Coulombic Systems

Feb. 3
Andre Leclair
Cornell University
On the Universality of Exact Solvability in Two Dimensional Physics

Feb. 10
Karl Rubin
Ohio state University
The Solving of Fermat's Last Theorem

Feb. 17
Stephan Meyer
University of Chicago
Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy

Feb. 24
Edward Witten
Institute for Advanced Study
Reflections Concerning the Fate of Space-Time

Mar. 3
A. C. Newell
University of Arizona
Do Resonantly Forced Internal Solitary waves Protect the fuel of Hurricanes?

Mar. 10
Morris Swartz
Stanford Linear Accel. Center
A Precise Test of the Electroweak Standard Model at the Polarized SLC

Autumn Quarter 1993

Michael J. O'Donnell
University of Chicago
Electronic Publication, Refereeing, and the Economy of Attention

Oct. 14
Albert Libchaber
Princeton University
Playing with Proteins: Polymers and Motors

OCT 21
no colloquium
Inaugural week

Oct. 28
E. Flanagan
Calif. Inst. of Technology
Gravitational Waves from Coalescing Compact Binaries and the Information They Carry

Nov. 4
Stephen H. Shenker
Rutgers University
Random Matrices and Random Surfaces

Nov. 11
Mildred S. Dresselhaus
Mass. Inst. of Technology
Fullerenes, Tubules and Their Unique Properties
Zachariasen Lecture

Nov. 18
Geoffrey Grinstein
IBM/Watson Research Center
Coherent Periodic Oscillations in Noisy Systems

Nov. 25
no colloquium

Dec. 2
Leo P. Kadanoff
University of Chicago
From lnterfaces to Singularities

Dec. 9
Jeffrey Harvey
University of Chicago
Black Holes and Quantum Mechanics