Atomic Physics


Strongly interacting quantum gases and engineered quantum materials. Laser cooling and trapping of neutral atoms to study many-body physics at ultralow temperatures. Formation of ultracold complex molecules in Bose gases and Cooper pairing in Fermi gases. Scalable quantum manipulations using ultracold atoms in optical lattices. Rydberg mediated interactions (EIT) between photons. Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics. Searches for new particles and forces using AMO precision measurement techniques. Cooling, trapping, and internal-state manipulation of polar molecules.


The theory of ultracold fermionic superfluids and the BCS-BEC crossover. Ionization dynamics and inner-shell physics of atoms, molecules, and clusters; strong-field and electron correlation effects in the VUV and x-ray regimes; collisions of low-energy electrons with molecules; high-precision spectroscopy; non-Hermiticity in quantum mechanics; computational methods.

Cheng Chin

Professor; experimental.

For more information about Professor Chin, please visit his webpage.

David DeMille

David DeMille


Kathryn Levin


For more information about Professor Levin, please visit her webpage.

Linda Young

Professor (Part-time); experimental

For more information about Professor Young, please visit her webpage.

Zoe Yan

Assistant Professor

For more information about Professor Yan, please visit her webpage


Hannes Bernien

Assistant Professor in Molecular Engineering

For more information about Professor Bernien, please visit his webpage.

Aashish Clerk

Professor of Molecular Engineering

For more information about Professor Clerk, please visit his webpage.

Liang Jiang

Professor of Molecular Engineering

For more information about Professor Jiang, please visit his webpage.

Peter Maurer

Maurer Peter

Assistant Professor of Molecular Engineering

For more information about Professor Maurer, please visit his webpage.

For even more information about atomic-scale physics at Chicago, including additional researchers, please visit the Chicago Quantum Exchange webpage.