The experimental High Energy Physics group is active in a range of experiments studying the fundamental constituents of matter. The work includes accelerator-based experiments, studies using nuclear reactors, and the detection of new particles from astrophysical sources. This research takes place within the Enrico Fermi Institute and in many cases is joint with faculty in other departments. Faculty also work in close collaboration with researchers at CERN, the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory and Argonne National Laboratory. The University of Chicago manages the latter two laboratories for the Department of Energy. Current research in high-energy physics includes studies of p-p interactions using the LHC at CERN; searches for weakly interacting and/or long-lived particles at dedicated experiments near accelerators like the LHC; development of new technologies, sensor concepts, collider facilities, and accelerator concepts for future high-energy experiments; searches for supersymmetric particles, dark sectors, and other unobserved forms of matter; precision tests of electroweak theory through measurements of the properties of the top quark and the W and Z bosons; searches for dark matter, both in collider experiments and from astrophysical sources; study of neutrino oscillations; studies of the highest energy cosmic rays; high-precision measurement of CP violation in K decays and high-sensitivity search for rare K decays.
- View the experimental particle physics faculty.
The Particle Theory Group, part of the Enrico Fermi Institute and associated with the Kadanoff Center for Theoretical Physics, and the Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics carries out research on a wide range of theoretical topics in formal and phenomenological particle physics, including field theory, string theory, supersymmetry, the standard model and beyond, cosmology, and mathematical physics. Among the many research topics are string theory and unification, duality in gauge theory and string theory, solitons and topological structures, D-branes, non-commutative geometry, the AdS/CFT correspondence, inflationary cosmology, the cosmological constant problem, CP violation, B physics, baryogenesis, supersymmetric model building, precision electroweak measurements, low-energy supersymmetry, heavy quark physics, confinement in QCD, quantum theory of black holes, large extra dimensions, fermion mass hierarchy, and integrable systems. There are strong ties to the Fermilab Theoretical Physics Group, the Argonne Theoretical High Energy Group, and the High Energy Experiment group at Chicago. Detailed information about the Particle Theory Group can be found here.
- View the theoretical particle physics faculty.
Experimental Particle Physics Faculty

Edward Blucher
Professor. Co-Spokesperson, DUNE Collaboration; Director, Enrico Fermi Institute.
For more information about Professor Blucher, please visit his webpage.

Juan Collar
Professor; experimental astrophysics.
For more information about Professor Collar, please visit his webpage.

David DeMille
For more information about Professor DeMille, please visit his webpage.

Karri DiPetrillo
Assistant Professor
For more information about Professor DiPetrillo, please visit her webpage.

Bonnie Fleming
Professor; Deputy Director and Chief Research Officer, Fermilab
For more information about Professor Fleming, please visit her webpage.

Henry Frisch
For more information about Professor Frisch, please visit his webpage.

Luca Grandi
Associate Professor.
For more information about Professor Grandi, please visit his webpage.

Young-Kee Kim
Professor; APS President-Elect.
For more information about Professor Kim, please visit her webpage.

David Miller
Associate Professor.
For more information about Professor Miller, please visit his webpage.

Mark Oreglia
For more information about Professor Oreglia, please visit his webpage.

James Pilcher
Professor Emeritus.
For more information about Professor Pilcher, please visit his webpage.

Paolo Privitera
Professor; experimental astrophysics.
For more information about Professor Privitera, please visit his webpage.

David Schmitz
Associate Professor.
For more information about Professor Schmitz, please visit his webpage.

Melvyn Shochet
For more information about Professor Shochet, please visit his webpage.

Yau Wah
For more information about Professor Wah, please visit his webpage.
Theoretical Particle Physics Faculty

Marcela Carena
Professor (Part-time); Head of the Theory Division, Fermilab.
For more information about Professor Carena, please visit her webpage.

Clay Córdova
Assistant Professor.
For more information about Professor Córdova, please visit his webpage.

Luca Delacrétaz
Assistant Professor.
For more information about Professor Delacrétaz, please visit his webpage.

Keisuke Harigaya
Assistant Professor
For more information about Professor Harigaya, please visit his webpage.

Jeffrey Harvey
For more information about Professor Harvey, please visit his webpage.

David Kutasov
For more information about Professor Kutasov, please visit his webpage.

Emil Martinec
For more information about Professor Martinec, please visit his webpage.

Jonathan Rosner
Professor Emeritus
For more information about Professor Rosner, please visit his webpage.

Savdeep Sethi
For more information about Professor Sethi, please visit his webpage.

Dam Son
University Professor.
For more information about Professor Son, please visit his webpage.

Carlos Wagner
Professor (Half-time); Head High-Energy Physics Theory Group, Argonne National Lab.
For more information about Professor Wagner, please visit his webpage.

LianTao Wang
For more information about Professor Wang, please visit his webpage.