Selove Summer Research Prize
Michael Farrington
Siqi Ni
Award to a promising undergraduate student with demonstrated research ability in physics.
John Haeseler Lewis Prize
Jasmine Kalia
Michelle Chong
Sidney Mau
Award to the outstanding graduating senior in physics.
Grainger Senior Scholar
Thomas Propson
Award to third year physics major who shows particular interest and aptitude in the laboratory as well as outstanding proficiency in formal coursework.
Gregor Wentzel Teaching Prize
Gabriel Weiderpass
(advisor: Wendy Zhang)
Award to a first-year graduate for outstanding work as a teaching assistant.
Gregor Wentzel Research Prize
Nina Coyle
(advisor: Carlos Wagner)
Award to graduate student who has done outstanding research in theoretical physics.
Yodh Prize
Zhendong Zhang
(advisor: Cheng Chin)
Award to graduate student who has done outstanding research in experimental physics.
Sidney Bloomenthal Fellowship
Christian Ferko
(advisor: Sav Sethi)
Award to graduate student in theoretical physics with advanced residency status.
Grainger Graduate Fellowship
Kaeli Hughes
(advisor: Abby Vieregg)
John Devany
(advisor: Margaret Gardel)
Award to a promising graduate student with demonstrated research ability in experimental physics.
Winstein Prize in Instrumentation
Zhaodi Pan
(advisor: John Carlstrom)
Daniel Dutcher
(advisor: John Carlstrom)
Award to a graduate student doing outstanding work in the development or application of instrumentation.
Undergraduate or Graduate
Chair's Students Award for Distinguished Service
Claire Baum
(advisor: Jon Simon)
Elizabeth Mulder
(advisor: Aaron Esser-Kahn, PME)
Award to a graduate or undergraduate student in recognition of exceptional service to the department, the greater university, the local community, or the wider scientific community.
Sidney Nagel Prize for Creativity in Research
Takumi Matsuzawa
(advisor: William Irvine)
Award to a student whose original research includes beguiling imagery.