Past Events


Physics Colloquium

3:30–4:30 pm Zoom

Majorana or Dirac, That is the Question
Andre de Gouvea, Northwestern
Host: TBA

Jun 3

Physics Colloquium with Walter E. Massey

3:30–4:30 pm

Reflections on a Full, Consequential, and Lucky Life: Science, Leadership, and Education Walter E. Massey Host: Young-Kee Kim

May 27

Physics Career Day 2021

10:30 am–6:00 pm

The 5th Annual Physics Career day will provide physics and students with the opportunity to engage with UChicago physics alumni of varied experience levels to learn more about the variety of career paths available to them.

May 25

Virtual Memorial for Professor Emeritus Roger Hildebrand(1922-2021)

1:00–4:00 pm

Virtual Memorial for Professor Emeritus Roger Hildebrand(1922-2021)

May 22

SWiP Annual 1st Year/4th Year Brunch

11:00 am–12:30 pm

SWiP's annual 1st year/4th year brunch gives 1st years just starting their physics journey a chance to meet and interact with the outgoing class of undergraduate women in physics at UChicago over brunch at the Med.

May 22

Physics Colloquium

3:30–4:30 pm Zoom

Special Colloquium on J. Franck: The “Inner Necessity” of a Reluctantly Public Intellectual: James Franck as Leader of the Physics Community under Political Pressure
Richard Beyler, Portland State U.
Host: TBA

May 20

SWiP Speaker Series: Dr. Anette (Peko) Hosoi

4:00–5:00 pm Zoom

Each quarter, SWiP invites speakers from academia and industry to to informally chat with students about their career paths and experiences. Dr. Hosoi's topic will be Mech. Engineering/Sports Science/Fluids.

May 18

SWiP Pizza with Professors

6:00–8:00 pm Zoom

SWiP invites all of the physics and astrophysics professors currently working at the University of Chicago to join club members for a night of pizza and networking.

May 14

Zachariasen Memorial Lecture

3:30–4:30 pm

Black Holes and Spacetime Singularities Gary Horowitz, University of California, Santa Barbara Host: Young-Kee Kim

May 13