Prospective Students
Find all the information you need, including application, HERE.
The Department of Physics offers the opportunity for students to pursue a Ph.D. in many areas of experimental and theoretical physics. Entering students typically have undergraduate degrees in physics or related fields, and are drawn from among the most talented students around the world. The department does not offer a terminal master's program.
The Graduate Recruitment Initiative Team (GRIT) began as a grassroots student organization and has grown to encompass 18 graduate programs in the Biological Sciences Division (BSD) and Physical Sciences Division (PSD) at the University of Chicago with over 50 members and a dedicated faculty counterpart in the form of the Diversity Council. GRIT is committed to enhancing diversity, inclusion, and equity across the BSD and PSD graduate programs. GRIT focuses on three central components: recruitment, retention, and sustainability in order to increase the recruitment and retention of students from marginalized backgrounds.
Learn more about GRIT here.
Incoming and Returning Students
If you wish to speak to someone about the Ph.D. program, or other issues pertaining to the graduate student experience, please contact either Zosia Krusberg, the Director of Graduate Studies, Stuart Gazes, the Undergraduate Program Chair, or Peter Littlewood, the Department Chair.
Links to detailed information and resources for incoming and returning graduate students are found under the tabs below.
- PSD Autumn 2023 New Student Information
- Prepare for Graduate Diagnostic Examination
- Autumn 2023 Department of Physics Orientation
For international incoming students, please check out International Students Resource for more information.
The Dean of Students Office works with students, faculty, divisional staff, and campus partners to advance the academic, personal, and professional development of students in the Physical Sciences Division. Our central mission is to foster a welcoming and inclusive environment for all students as they pursue their education and thrive as members of the broader University of Chicago community.
Our regular business hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM. You can reach the Dean of Students Office by emailing
- Dean of Students Contact Page
- Quarterly Check List for PSD Graduate Students
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information and Resources
A full list of resources can be found under Current Student Resources.
- UChicagoGRAD is a one-stop shop of integrated services to help graduate students and postdocs navigate their academic and professional careers. Download an overview of our office here.
- Led by Jason Merchant, Vice Provost, UChicagoGRAD programs provide flexible training that complements support in academic units.
- UChicagoGRAD staff are committed to serving the graduate and postdoc community, focusing on recruitment; skills and experience; career development; and alumni engagement.
Contact, and visit to learn more.
Students with questions may contact Zosia Krusberg (Director of Graduate Studies), Putri Kusumo (Assistant Director of Graduate Affairs), Bahareh Lampert (Dean of Students in the Physical Sciences Division), or Amanda Young (Associate Director, Graduate Student Affairs) in UChicagoGRAD.
- Experimental Physics Requirement
- Candidacy Courses Guidelines
- Advancement to Candidacy
- Post-candicacy Course Requirements
- First Year Advising
- Thesis and Advisory Committees
- Thesis Committee Meeting Guidelines
- Annual Academic Progress Report
- Graduation Guidelines
- Dissertation: Deadlines, Checklist, Dissertation Guidelines, Dissertation Template, Dissertation Office
- PhD Registration Limit Policy
- Residential Requirement
- Graduate Student Yearly Checklist
- Master's Degree Requirements
Research Assignment support is highly variable depending on the subfield of research and the culture of the research area. Students are encouraged to discuss with potential research supervisors the experience of current PhD students in their groups. Student in some areas (often but not exclusively large experimental teams) may teach 5 or fewer teaching assignments for their Primary funding over the course of their degree. Students in other areas (often but not exclusively small theory groups) may be required to hold up to 3 quarters of teaching each year over the course of their program to satisfy Primary funding requirements. Students who do not hold research assignments or fellowship stipend positions are required to hold 3 teaching assignments each academic year. Students who are required to hold more than 3 teaching assignments in an academic year will receive additional compensation above their Primary funding amount.
- Current Course Offerings: U of C class search site
- Textbook Lists: Current Quarter
- Graduate Course Outlines
- Physics Instructional Services: lab schedules, office hours, lost & found, etc.
- A list of previously approved non-physics electives can be found here.
- Teaching Assistants
- Chicago Center For Teaching:Teaching Support Source
- Tuition and Fee Payment Methods
- PSD students Financial Aid Overview
- External Award Reporting Form (PhD students)
- Annual Funding Checklist (PhD students): include Direct Deposit sign-up instructions
- Payment Schedule Overview (PhD students)
- Tax Information
- The Office for International Affairs
- General Contact
- Shashi Dyamenahalli, Adviser for PSD students: for specific international affairs
- For Incoming Students
- Apply for F1/J1 Status
- Apply for SSN or ITINs: for on and off-campus job
- Tax Responsibilities
- For Returing Students
- Travel
- Visa Renewal
- Program Extention of I-20 or DS-2019 (please notify Putri Kusumo of the I-20 update)
- English Language Institute
- Academic English Pre-Matriculation Program (Incoming Students)
- Safety and Security
- Transportation: shuttles (day, night), buses, and parking
- Food: campus dining, Hyde Park
- Graduate Housing: UC site, additional information
- The Graduate Council
- Chicago Studies: Engaging students with the community
- About Hyde Park
- Lost and Found
- Kersten Physics Teaching Center: room 205
- Elsewhere On Campus (scroll to the bottom)
- UChicago Career Advancement
- Career Development Resources
- Grad Talk: Presenting and Interviewing
- Grad Global Impact: Internship Program
- Employment Data
- Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Department of Physics
- Center for Identity + Inclusion
- LGBTQ Student Life
- Office for Access and Equity
- Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in PSD
- Office of Multicultural Student Affairs
- PSD Outlist
- Student Disability Services
- Women in Graduate Science
- Women in Science